The first query file on runtimepath will be used (see :h treesitter-query). If you want to make a query on the user config extend other queries instead of replacing them, see :h treesitter-query-modeline-extends.If you want to completely override a query, you can use :h vim.tree...
Neo-tree.nvim Neo-tree is a Neovim plugin to browse the file system and other tree like structures in whatever style suits you, including sidebars, floating windows, netrw split style, or all of them at once! Neo-tree filesystem as Sidebar: This screenshot shows Neo-tree opened in the...
"first build the *.c, *.cpp,.sh,.sh and auto insert file headers autocmd BufNewFile.cpp,.[ch],.sh,.java exec ":call SetTitle()" func SetTitle() "shell: if &filetype == 'sh' call setline(1,"###") call append(line("."), "# File Name: ".expand("%")) call append(li...
Treesitter uses a different parser for every language, which needs to be generated via tree-sitter-cli from a grammar.js file, then compiled to a .so library that needs to be placed in neovim's runtimepath (typically under parser/{language}.so). To simplify this, nvim-treesitter ...
vim.lsp: 控制内置 LSP 客户端的模块 vim.treesitter: 暴露 tree-sitter 库中一些实用函数的模块上面列举功能的并不全面。如果你想知道更多可行的操作可以参见::help lua-stdlib 和:help lua-vim。你也可以通过 :lua print(vim.inspect(vim)) 获得所有可用模块。API 函数的详细文档请参见 :help api-globalTips...
Make command work with file uri. Cancel option for workspace.registerExprKeymap(). Support suggest.filterOnBackspace configuration. 2023-01-22 maxRestartCount configuration for configured language server. 2022-12-25 Create symbol tree from SymbolInformation list. 2022-12-23 Support URI ...
集成其他插件:toggleterm.nvim 可以与其他 Neovim 插件协同工作,以实现更强大的功能。例如,结合nvim-tree插件,可以在终端窗口中直接浏览文件结构: localTerminal=require('toggleterm.terminal').Terminallocalfile_explorer_term=Terminal:new({ cmd='nvimtree', hidden=true, direction='float'})-- 打开文件浏览器...
-- for example if you don't want statusline of -- your file tree / sidebar window to have active -- statusline you can add their filetypes here. always_divide_middle = true, -- When set to true, left sections i.e. 'a','b' and 'c' -- can't take over the entire statusline...
A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua lualine.nvim 736,2207.3Luasymbols-outline.nvim VS lualine.nvim A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua. 642,6979.3Luasymbols-outline.nvim VS lspsaga.nvim ...
keys关键字告诉Neovim,当按下某些键时应该执行什么操作,如果不运行 config函数,相当于没有加载neo-tree插件,导致配置不可用。 Lazy.nvim的Plugin Spec 如何理解lazy.nvim中的Plugin Spec? 插件配置(Plugin Spec)通常是一个table,描述了插件的名称,加载方式,条件,依赖等信息,这些信息决定了该插件在Neovim环境中的行为...