Virtual GPU Cloud Services Base Command BioNeMo Cosmos DGX Cloud Edify NeMo Omniverse Private Registry Solutions Artificial Intelligence Overview AI Platform AI Inference AI Workflows Conversational AI Cybersecurity Data Analytics Generative AI Machine Learning Prediction and Forecast...
Omniverse for Generative Physical AI NVIDIA DRIVE Hyperion All Multimedia In the News April 29, 2024|CBS News 60 Minutes Meet NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang, the Man Behind the $2 Trillion Company Powering Today's Artificial Intelligence Read More ...
NVIDIA invents the GPU and drives advances in AI, HPC, gaming, creative design, autonomous vehicles, and robotics.
AI hardware startup Cerebras has created a new AI inference solution that could potentially rival Nvidia's GPU offerings for enterprises. The Cerebras Inference tool is based on the company's Wafer-Scale Engine and promises to deliver staggering performance. According to sources, the tool has achie...
这款AI不仅在多个测试中表现惊艳,还击败了美国的同类产品。更让人瞠目结舌的是,DeepSeek背后隐藏着一张庞大的硬件网络:5万块H100 GPU。这些芯片的来源成了外界争相猜测的焦点,而DeepSeek的成功,也直接打破了国际AI竞争的平衡。一、限制之下的突破:芯片从哪儿来?美国的出口禁令可以说是滴水不漏,连第三国转...
NVIDIA坚持把AI GPU卖到中东 除了对中国禁售,美国政府还严格限制NVIDIA把高性能的AI GPU卖给中东地区,防止他们转售给中国,但是最新报道显示,NVIDIA已经与卡塔尔通信巨头Ooredoo达成合作协议,突破美国的禁令。 根据双方达成的合作协议,Ooredoo将在五个不同国家的数据中心内使用NVIDIA AI/HPC GPU加速卡,包括中东的卡塔尔本...
AI太火 NVIDIA躺赢!下一代GPU提前半年问世 据曝料,NVIDIA下一代Blackwell B100 GPU原计划在2024年第四季度发布,但眼下AI需求实在是太火爆了,发布时间提前到了第二季度。 Blackwell架构将通吃高性能计算、游戏,前者核心编号B100,后者核心编号B20x系列,当然游戏卡不会着急,肯定要等到2025年。
Microsoft and NVIDIA are collaborating to help developers bring new generative AI capabilities to their Windows native and web apps. This collaboration will provide application developers with easy application programming interface (API) access to GPU-accelerated small language models (SLMs) that enablere...