Another popular feature to note is NVIDIA G-Sync®, an adaptive synchronization technology that helps the laptop display or external monitor match the specific, sometimes inconsistent frame output of your PC and software, such as a live-action game. G-Sync, which is similar to technologies from...
Optimal G-SYNC Settings**Settings tested with a single G-SYNC display (w/hardware module) on a single desktop GPU system; specific DSR, SLI, and multi-monitor behaviors, as well as G-SYNC laptop display and “G-SYNC Compatible” display implementation, may vary....
Advanced Optimus 提供長效電池續航力,並透過 G-SYNC 呈現無撕裂的遊戲畫面。 可調整基底位址暫存器 (Resizable BAR) 讓 CPU 即刻使用整個 GPU 畫面緩衝,進而改善遊戲效能。 最佳遊戲設定在效能與影像畫質之間取得最佳平衡。然後再針對 PC 的 GPU、CPU 和顯示器,自動進行個人化繪圖設定。
Monitores G-SYNC Games RTX GeForce Experience Drivers GeForce Foros Soporte Soluciones Data Center (On-Premises) Computación en el Edge Computación en el Cloud Networking Virtualización Soluciones para TI de Empresas Software AI Enterprise Suite Soporte Nativo en el Cloud ...
比如屏幕,它搭载了最新的NVIDIA G-SYNC+240Hz刷新率+2560*1440分辨率显示屏,实测色域容积为109.3%DCI-P3,色域覆盖为99.1%DCI-P3,平均△E为2.79,最大△E为6.91,得益于NVIDIA 安培架构带来的性能提升,跑1080p分辨率已经让显卡性能溢出了,游戏本不再是统一的1080p,游戏画质的精细度正在升级。
同时支持NVIDIA G-SYNC防撕裂技术,可以说是一款特别优秀的电竞屏幕。 ▲接口方面,华硕 天选5同样十分丰富,不仅拥有支持100W PD充电与DP1.4独显输出的Type-C接口,还拥有支持集显输出的USB 4接口等,十分适合多屏显示,能够大幅提升用户的工作效率。 HP 惠普 暗影精灵10...
Find the perfect NVIDIA® G-SYNC® monitor for your gaming setup. Explore our list of compatible displays and shop HP® Store for the best deals.
我们提前拿到一台搭载NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU的游戏本,抢先来看看吧!这台来自微星科技的绝影GS66游戏本是微星特别为NVIDIA定制的2K G-Sync 240Hz刷新率显示屏规格抢先特制版本,它采用轻薄化机身设计,支持独显直连,配备一块高规格的15.6英寸2560×1440分辨率IPS屏幕,屏幕色域为100% sRGB,刷新率高达...
NVIDIA G-Sync is a technology developed by NVIDIA to resolve screen tearing and boost your gaming experience. NVIDIA incorporates G-Sync into both its processors and monitors. G-Sync ensures that both the processor and the monitor are running at the same frame rate and refresh rate so you won...