It's important to eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods to meet your body's needs. Some foods that are considered to have high nutritional value include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes.最后编辑于 :2024.11.20 12:41:16 ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者...
Legumes are edible seeds that have high nutritional and functional value. Their cultivation and consumption turn out to be an alternative to hunger and guarantee food security in vulnerable populations. This manuscript explores the nutritional and functional properties and potential uses of native Andean...
TheGrains & Legumes Nutrition Councilalso points out that oats have more fat than other grains. This fat, mostly unsaturated, comes from the endosperm and the germ part of the grain. Read more:Eggs or Cereal: Which Is a Better Breakfast for Weight Loss? Watch Out for Added Sugar A...
The role of grains and legumes as a food source, fictional food, and nutritional valuable crops which can be further increased by biofortification and value addition will contribute to food and nutritional security worldwide.Sharma, PoojaICFRE-Arid Forest Research Institute (ICFRE-AFRI)Tailor, Aditi...
Nutritional aspects of cereals SUMMARY1 INTRODUCTION1.1 General structure of grains1.2 Wheat1.3 Rice1.4 Maize1.5 Barley1.6 Oats1.7 Rye1.8 Millet1.9 Sorghum1.10 Triticale1.11Other grains1.12 Key points2TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CEREALS2.1 Cereal production2.2 Storage2.3 Pro... B Mckevith - 《Nutrition ...
Legumes are rich source of anti-nutrients in human diet. This review will focus on phytic acid, saponins, polyphenols, lathyrogens, alpha amylase inhibitors and lectins which are found in grains and legumes. Anti-nutrient substances from nutritional point of view, interferes with normal growth, ...
per 100g Vegetables and legumes Apple, fresh Contains 54 (229 kJoule) kcal per 100g Fruit Coconut, meat, raw Contains 410 (1,714 kJoule) kcal per 100g Nuts and seeds Soybeans, dried Contains 428 (1,789 kJoule) kcal per 100g Grains...
The study was conducted to improve the nutritional value of Mung (Vigna radiata) by supplementation with different kinds of meat. Diets were prepared using raw and cooked Mung and then cooked Mung was supplemented with poultry, mutton and beef at 10, 15, and 20 percent levels. Nutritional valu...
Compositional evaluation of some cowpea varieties and some under-utilized edible legumes in Nigeria. The cowpea varieties contained on the average 22.5 g crude protein (CP), 2.60 g crude fibre (CF), 5.89 g ether extract (EE) and 3.36 g ash/100 g DM while t......
Molecular approaches to improving the nutritional and functional properties of oilseeds, grains and legumes Abstract The purpose of this review is to discuss the rationale for improving the nutritional and functional properties of plant seeds through genetic engineering, and to point out recent ...