Heat Cream:Pour the cream into the pot, and place the pot over medium-high heat. Heat the milk, stirring constantly and scraping the bottom of the pot with the spatula, until the temperature reaches 195oF (90oC). Add Acid:Slowly drizzle the dissolved acid into the cream while stirring ge...
Ice Cream 133 381 174 2.190 Whole Milk 244 637 291 2.189 Whole Milk, dry 128 2670 1220 2.189 Nonfat Milk, dry, instant 68 1890 864 2.188 Ice Milk 131 409 187 2.187 Whipping Cream, heavy 238 387 177 2.186 Evaporated Milk, skim 128 763 349 2.186 Whipping Cream, light 239 411 188 2.186...
those are the good fats which gets burned effortlessly, without getting piled up. Among the interesting facts is that it has massive quantities of these monounsaturated fats.
Whipped butter, made by whipping air or nitrogen gas into soft butter, is intended to spread more easily at refrigeration temperatures. Unsalted butter is often referred to as “sweet” butter. This should not be confused with “sweet cream” butter, which may or may not be salted. Reduced-...