Nutrition for Health(9)-平衡膳食.ppt,Nutrition,for,Health9-平衡膳食,Health,平衡,膳食 温馨提示: 1: 本站所有资源如无特殊说明,都需要本地电脑安装OFFICE2007和PDF阅读器。图纸软件为CAD,CAXA,PROE,UG,SolidWorks等.压缩文件请下载最新的WinRAR软件解压。 2: 本站的文档不包含任何第三方提供的附件图纸等,如果...
飲食與運動傷害之復原 六 運動與體重控制 七 均衡營養與運動嗜好 健康、營養及體重控制 (Health, Nutrition and Weight Control) 一 營養素類別 1脂肪 2糖類 3蛋白質 4維生素 5礦物質 6水 健康、營養及體重控制 (Health, Nutrition and Weight Control) 二 人體所需營養素 蛋白質 九種必要安基酸 1.??? 組...
37、Nutrition in Health and Disease ,第9版,第14页,1999年。,构成人体蛋白质的氨基酸,44,Protein Quality 蛋白质品质,The protein quality of the diet determines, in large part, how well children grow and how well adults maintain their health. Put simply, high-quality proteins provide enough of al...
营养学 英文课件 NUTRITION.ppt,NUTRITION For personal health Nutrition The science that investigates the relationship between physiological function and the essential elements of foods eaten. Nutrition Food Nutritional Status Your Personal Health Nutrient
1、NUTRITION,For personal health,Nutrition,The science that investigates the relationship between physiological function and the essential elements of foods eaten,Nutrition,Food Nutritional Status Your Personal Health,Nutrient Classes,Protein Carbohydrates Lipids Vitamins Minerals Water,Protein,Main st 2、ruc...
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income increasing rate 人均收入与人均收入增 长率 Health Care Human nutrition 婴儿母乳喂养率 新生儿体重 儿童发育状况 编制食物平衡表 人均动物性食品增长率 居民蛋白质、热能平均摄入水平 Nutritional Policy and Measurement Dietary pattern---食物结构模式 Dietary pattern: composition of dietary kinds and ...
NutritionandFeeding Prof.ChengQianDept.ofChildHealthCare CMUC1 Thenutritionalvulnerabilityofinfantsandchildren ➢Lownutritionalstores 2 ➢Highnutritionaldemandsforgrowth ➢Rapidneuronaldevelopment contributiontobasalmetabolicrate Contents ➢Nutrientneedsofthenormalinfantandchild➢Thenutrition-relatedcharacteristics...
What body systems are involved? Digestive: breaking food down, absorbing it and eliminating waste. Respiratory: Cells need oxygen to burn the fuel (food). Cardiovascular: Blood brings nutrients and oxygen all over our body Urinary: Filter the waste from the blood into urine. ...