New technology in educationNursing studentsIn the pandemic, nursing programs found a way to continue the training process through virtual classrooms and technological tools to support the teaching and learning process. The aim of the present research was to analyze the existing literature on the ...
Psychiatric nursing education was significantly impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and innovative teaching can be challenging. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of four approaches to psychiatric nursing education in the context of the pand
Book Recounts Story of Auburn Nursing During COVID-19 More AUBURN, Ala. (AP) — Auburn University's nursing school is publishing a free book to tell the stories of some of its alumni and their work during the coronavirus pandemic. Titled “Auburn Nursing — Living the Creed During...
Learning from a Medical Education Model Longitudinal placements are gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional block rotations. Programs are considered longitudinal when a student has recurrent clinical placements in the same setting over time (Thistlethwaite et al., 2013). Continuity is the org...
The Senior Living Conversation Having the conversation about moving to senior living can seem daunting. Here are tips and tricks to help it go more smoothly. David LevineandElaine K. HowleyDec. 9, 2024 Medicaid for Nursing Homes Medicaid can cover nursing home care...
Covid‐19 pandemic and the surge of panic attacks among NHS nursing staff: An ethnographical perspective 新冠肺炎疫情和英国国家医疗服务体系下的护理人员激增的恐慌情绪:民族志的视角 Child abuse and neglect prevention by public health nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Japan ...
Nursing students, Covid-19, anxiety, e-learning. Abstract Introduction: Higher education institutions have been extremely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. E-learning was the option used during lockdown in Albania and all around the world. Students were obligated to interrupt face to face educat...
BMC Medical Education volume 23, Article number: 117 (2023) Cite this article 4490 Accesses 17 Citations Metrics details Abstract Background Health professionals, including nurses, experienced heavy workloads and significant physical and mental health challenges during the coronavirus disease (COVID) 19...
Sleep, fatigue and alertness during working hours among rotating-shift nurses in Korea: An observational study Prevalence and reasons for non-nursing tasks as perceived by nurses: Findings from a large cross-sectional study Fall prevention education to reduce fall risk among community-dwelling older ...
The effectiveness of the using scenario and video in distance nursing education during COVID-19 pandemic 2023, Teaching and Learning in Nursing Show abstract Investigating the Effect of E-Learning with a Blended Approach on the Rate of Learning in Nursing Students during COVID-19 Pandemic 2023, ...