Dyspnea (shortness of breath) Pleuritic chest pain (pleural friction rub) Nursing Assessment for Pneumonia When assessing a client for pneumonia, you need to look for signs of respiratory distress. This includes listening closely to their clients’ lungs using a stethoscope. You’ll be able to h...
Enhance the patient’s overall well-being by addressing and alleviating the physical and psychological effects of Cushing’s syndrome, allowing for a better quality of life. Cushing’s Disease Nursing Care Plan Subjective Data: Back pain Weakness Irregular menstrual cycles Shortness of breath Poor co...
Patient Education and Compliance:Educating the patient about the underlying causes of metabolic alkalosis, potential complications, and the importance of adhering to the treatment plan is vital. Patients should understand the significance of dietary changes,medicationcompliance, and follow-up appointments to...
it is important to note that the use of specific nursing diagnostic labels may not be as prominent or commonly utilized as other components of the care plan. It is ultimately the nurse’s clinical expertise and judgment that shape the care plan to meet the unique needs of each patient, prio...
Note: Women can present differently by not having "heavy" chest pain. Their chest pain may be felt in the lower part of the chest, experience shortness of breath, and feel extremely fatigued. They may not seek immediate help because they think they are "just ill" with a sickness. ...
The expression of these feeling may indicate that this client is unable to continue the struggle of life. Rate this question: 1 0 38. A nursing care plan for a male client with bipolar I disorder should include: A. Providing a structured environment B. Designing activities that will ...
急性颌下蜂窝组织炎的护理(Nursing care of acute submandibular cellulitis).doc,急性颌下蜂窝组织炎的护理(Nursing care of acute submandibular cellulitis) Abstract: Objective To explore the nursing measure of submaxillay phlegmon. Methods nursing submaxil
D. Gait 3 【多选题】(2分) Apatientisadmittedfordehydrationcausedbypneumoniaandshortnessofbreath.Hehasahistoryofheartdiseaseandcardiacdysrhythmias.Thenursingassistantreportshisadmittingvitalsignstothenurse.Whichmeasurementsshouldthenursereassess?() A. Radialpulserate:72andirregular B. Respiratoryrate:28 C. D...
Shortness of breath that occurs when taking B-adrenergic blockers for angina may be due to bronchospasm and should be reported to the health care provider. Carvedilol works by decreasing myocardial O2 demand, not by increasing blood flow to the coronary arteries. A patient who...
Caring for a loved one at the end of their life can be a challenging and emotional experience. However, with the rightnursing care planin place, it can also be a time of peace, comfort, and dignity. In this article, we’ll explore the essential components of end-of-life care, includin...