Nursing assessment of dysphagia among patients with stroke. Scand J Caring Sci. 1999;13(4):274-82.Westergren A., Hallberg I.R. & Ohlsson O. (1999) Nursing assessment of dysphagia among patients with stroke. Scandina- vian Journal of Caring Sciences 13, 274±282....
Gathering information about the client will provide clues for what care you can give and what you can intervene. If you have a weak foundation in assessment, the rest of the process follows. But with the many ways to assess a patient, assessment has become an overwhelming process. To be mo...
1)nursing assessment护理评价 2)nursing evaluation护理评价 1.Research on Model of Hospital Nursing Evaluation;为适应护理事业的发展,推进护理评价的规范化,增强护理评价的科学性、可比性和可操作性,通过调查合肥市三家医院临床护理质量控制方法与措施,并结合理论分析、社会调查和专家意见,探讨医院护理综合评价模型建立...
This paper summarizes the progress in family-centered nursing care of stroke patients in recent years, and points out the priority and the necessity of family-centered nursing for stroke patients. Performing family-centered nursing not only requires knowledge and skills of the family in various medic...
Postoperative pain assessment and nursing in adults 8 2024-01-01实施 T/CNAS 40-2023 脑卒中后吞咽障碍患者进食护理 Feeding nursing of stroke patients with dysphagia 9 2023-05-01实施 Nursing care of prone position in adult patients with mechanical ventilation ...
The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) is commonly used in the assessment of stroke severity. Nurses, who use the tool infrequently...
Own home or nursing home? (A stroke assessment).An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00004356-198509001-00139Rasmussen, G.Porsman, V. A.Gylding-Sabroe, J.Sorensen, L.Lehrmann, L.International Journal of Rehabilitation Research...
Five additional “rights” of medication administration include documentation, history & assessment, drug approach & right to refuse, drug-drug interaction & evaluation, and education & information. When asking about medications, don’t forget to ask about over-the-counter products, vitamins, and com...
The initial nursing assessment, the first step in the five steps of the nursing process, involves the systematic and continuous collection of data; sorting, analyzing, and organizing that data; and the documentation and communication of the data collected. Critical thinking skills applied during the...
Education-only versus a multifaceted intervention for improving assessment of rehabilitation needs after stroke; a cluster randomised trial Article Open access 07 September 2016 Introduction Stroke is a primary cause of mortality and disability worldwide, and prompt medical management by specialists can ...