Of the 47 eligible for participation, 10 patients refused participation and 13 were discharged before the interview could be completed. Thus 24 patients were interviewed, with one patient unable to complete the second half of the interview. Main Outcome Measures: In phase 1, the patient's ...
Assessment of Stroke Patients’ Status and Their Transfer Time by Emergency Medical Services to Valiasr Hospital in Arak, IranBackground: Stroke is a major cause of death and disability in the world and these complications can be decreased by competent emergency care. Emergency medical service (...
Most commonly pain rating scales are used for the assessment of pain in PWA, which could not be applied to any patient aphasia because of their inability to communicate verbally their pain. Aims: This review aims to investigate the prevalence and incidence of pain in PWA after stroke, ...
The aim of the present study was to examine the concurrent validity of 2 Chinese versions of the short version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in patients with stroke, i.e., MoCA 5-minute protocol and National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke and Canadian Stroke Networ...
Rehabilitation is allied to the return to function of post-stroke people, so that it is effective, it is important that the assessment instruments address aspects of the ICF to contemplate a broad aspect of functionality, guaranteeing effective results and therapies appropriate to the patient's ...
Brainomix 360 Stroke automated software providing AI decision support for stroke on non-contrast CT, CT Perfusion and brain scans. Integrated stroke care software.
Post-stroke reha- bilitation: Assessment, referral, and patient management. Clinical practice guideline no. 16. Rockville: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, US Department of Health and Human Ser- vices; 1995. ACHPR Publication No. 95-0663....
Risk forstrokeis higher if someone in the patient’s direct family line that stroke. Some strokes may be symptoms of genetic disorders like CADASIL. M:Mental healthdisorders (depression, bipolar,schizophreniaetc.) Some mental illnesses can run in families, although it may be from variety of fact...
Implications The creation of an evaluation tool that could specifically assess STS performance for patient with stroke would be helpful in determining the effectiveness of interventions directed to training patients to independently and safely perform STS. Key Words: Sit-to-stand, assessment, stroke ...
Nonmajor bleeding was defined as any overt bleeding that did not meet the criteria for major bleeding. The rates of cancer, nonhemorrhagic stroke or transient ischemic attack, and myocardial infarction were also recorded. In addition, information was collected regarding the recorded cause of death ...