1.一种Nur77-GFP Jurkat T报告细胞系,其特征是在Jurkat T细胞的Nur77终止密码子前同框插入T2A GFP,所述T2A GFP序列如SEQ ID No.1所示。 2.如权利要求1所述的Nur77-GFP Jurkat T报告细胞系,其特征在于当携带CAR或者TCR的病毒感染Nur77-GFP Jurkat T细胞株后,可以通过GFP信号直接监控细胞内Nur77表达状态,从而...
而两种细胞(CTFP-Nur77-RAW 264.7细胞与GFP-RAW 264.7细胞)分泌IL-6的浓度未见显著差异。结论RAW 264.7细胞中Nur77表达的上调,能够显著减少ox-LDL诱导的炎症因子(IL-6除外)分泌,这可能是孤儿核受体Nur77心血管保护作用的重要机制之一。doi:CNKI:SUN:XGNZ.0.2008-05-010胡刘华上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院何奔...
本发明提供了一方面一种Nur77‑GFP Jurkat报告细胞系及其构建方法,对CAR或者TCR的特异性功能评估具有重大意义,另一方面本发明提供了一种特异性靶向Nur77的sgRNA及其靶向序列及donor DNA载体的左右同源臂序列。 二、法律状态 法律状态公告日法律状态法律状态信息 2021-09-24 著录事项变更 著录事项变更IPC(主分类):C12N...
HH-gene-272 phage-ubc-nls-ha-tdMCP-gfp(Plasmid #40649) HH-gene-216 pEGFP-KRAS(G12C)哺乳动物表达K-Ras的蛋白质粒 HH-gene-270 pCMV-SPORT6-NPRL2 NM_006545.5;FFEVF2; NPR2; NPR2L; TUS HH-gene-269 pWZL Neo Myr Flag PLK3 HH-gene-269 HH-gene-268 pWZL Neo Myr Flag PLK2(Plasmid ...
pMT-GFP vector was used as a control of retroviral infection. Statistics Data are presented as means ± SDs and were analyzed by one-way ANOVA test. A P-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Nur77 associates with HIF-1α and increases HIF-1α stabilization...
方法:建立稳定表达GFP、GFP-Nur77、GFP-Nur77/ΔDBD和GFP-Nur77/ΔTAD c DNA的小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7单克隆细胞系,40μg/ml氧化型低密度脂蛋白(ox-LDL)刺激24 h后,油红"O"染色定性观察细胞内脂质沉积,液相色谱-质谱联用法(LC-MS)定量检测细胞内胆固醇酯,荧光实时定量PCR(RT-PCR)检测CD36和ABCA1 mRNA...
(hatched bars). Cells pretreated with siRNA or ncRNA in the presence of a GFP-expression plasmid for 48 hr were then treated with forskolin for a further 24 hr. Cells were cultured without (closed bars: untreated) or with 10 μM forskolin (open, hatched and gray bars). For ...
In WT BMM Nur77 was knocked-down by lentiviral transduction with a short hairpin (sh-)Nur77 cloned into a p156RRL-sinPPT-CMV-GFP-PRE/NheI vector by Bonta et al. [7] Lentiviral particles were produced as described previously [7] and BMM were transduced for 24 h with recombinant ...
F, Kit+ UAS-GFP bone marrow cells were transformed with MLL-AF9 retrovirus, transduced with Gal4-Nur77 retrovirus, and engrafted into recipient mice. G, summary ratios of GFP+mCherry+ cells relative to total mCherry+ cells in the bone marrow cells, peripheral blood, spleen, and peritoneal...
GFP-Nur77, which was found exclusively in the nuclei of control cells, displayed a speckled pattern in the cytoplasm of cells treated with celastrol and TNFα (Figure S3C). In contrast, the combination treatment had no effect on the nuclear localization of transfected Myc-RXRα (Figure S3D),...