[Unity] 关于 ComputeShader中ThreadGroup和numthreads的理解 今天遇到一个神奇的现象,我设置了一个100 * 100的 texture,然后使用 ComputeShader 让它填充一些颜色,结果却有一个黑边。 代码如下所示: _renderTexture=newRenderTexture(100,100,24);_renderTexture.enableRandomWrite=true;_renderTexture.Create();shader....
Defines the number of threads to be executed in a single thread group when a compute shader is dispatched (see ID3D11DeviceContext::Dispatch). Copy numthreads(X, Y, Z) The X, Y and Z values indicate the size of the thread group in a particular direction and the total of X*Y*Z...
unity shader闪烁 目录1.什么是Compute Shader2.Compute Shader语法2.1 #pragma kernel2.2 Compute Shader中的变量2.2.1 标量2.2.2 向量2.2.3 矩阵(matrix)2.2.4 数组2.2.5 StructuredBuffer2.2.6 Texture2.3 numthreads与Dispatch2.3.1 numthreads2.3.2 unity shader闪烁 Compute Shader unity3d numthreads 线程...
如下图所示,这个图像是100x100,每个白色的小格子是8x8,横竖各有12个小格子,在最右边和最下边有一些蓝色的区域,无法被线程组覆盖,这就是黑边产生的原因。 在computeShader 代码中[numthreads(8,8,1)]相当于规定了每个线程组有多少个线程。如果我们将 numthreads 中的 8 改为 9 ,黑边即可解决。 再来想一想,...
Defines the number of threads to be executed in a single thread group when a compute shader is dispatched (see ID3D11DeviceContext::Dispatch).Kopírovať numthreads(X, Y, Z) The X, Y and Z values indicate the size of the thread group in a particular direction and the total of X*...
For example, if a compute shader is doing 4x4 matrix addition then numthreads could be set to numthreads(4,4,1) and the indexing in the individual threads would automatically match the matrix entries. The compute shader could also declare a thread group with the same number of threads (16...
Defines the number of threads to be executed in a single thread group when a compute shader is dispatched (see ID3D11DeviceContext::Dispatch). Copiere numthreads(X, Y, Z) The X, Y and Z values indicate the size of the thread group in a particular direction and the total of X*Y*...
For example, if a compute shader is doing 4x4 matrix addition then numthreads could be set to numthreads(4,4,1) and the indexing in the individual threads would automatically match the matrix entries. The compute shader could also declare a thread group with the same number of threads (16...
Defines the number of threads to be executed in a single thread group when a compute shader is dispatched (see ID3D11DeviceContext::Dispatch).Kopírovat numthreads(X, Y, Z) The X, Y and Z values indicate the size of the thread group in a particular direction and the total of X*Y...