>>>importnumpy as np >>> np.logical_and(True,False) False >>> np.logical_and([True,False], [False,False]) array([False,False], dtype=bool) >>> np.logical_and([1,2], [2,3]) array([True,True], dtype=bool) >>> np.logical_and([1,2], [0,3]) array([False,True], dty...
numpy.logical_and(x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj]) = <ufunc 'logical_and'> Compute the truth value of x1 AND x2 element-wise. Parameters: x1, x2 : array_like Input arrays. If x1.shape != ...
python numpy logic_and 参考链接: Python中的numpy.logical_and >>> import numpy as np >>> np.logical_and(True, False) False >>> np.logical_and([True,False], [False,False]) array([False, False], dtype=bool) >>> np.logical_and([1,2], [2,3]) array([ True, True], dtype=bool...
逻辑运算符:在 NumPy 中,&或|是按位 AND/OR 运算符,而在 MATLAB 中,&和|是逻辑 AND/OR 运算符。这两者看起来可能是相同的,但存在重要的区别。如果你曾经使用过 MATLAB 的&或|运算符,你应该使用 NumPy 的 ufuncslogical_and/logical_or。MATLAB 的&和|运算符与 NumPy 的&和|运算符之间的显着差异包括: ...
NumPy Logic functions: all(), any(), isfinite(), isinf(), isnan(), isnat(), isnegingf(), isposinf(), iscomplex(), iscomplexobj(), isfortran(), isreal(), isrealobj(), isscalar(), logical_and(), logical_or(), logical_not(), logical_xor(), allclose(), isclo
NumPy provides several comparison and logical operations that can be performed on NumPy arrays. NumPy's comparison operators allow for element-wise comparison of two arrays. Similarly, logical operators perform boolean algebra, which is a branch of algeb
If you are simply converting to a linear sequence and back this doesn't matter. But if you are converting reshapes from Matlab code which relies on the scan order, then this Matlab code: z = reshape(x,3,4); should become z = x.reshape(3,4,order='F').copy() in Numpy....
Expressing Conditional Logic as Array Operations The numpy.where function is a vectorized version of the ternary expression x if condition else y. Suppose we had a boolean array and two arrays of values: In [165]: xarr = np.array([1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5]) In [166]: yarr = np.arr...
Where函数:蛮实用的,根据logic语句的返回结果选择array1或array2的值。 数学和统计函数:跟R很像 np有sum、mean等统计用的函数,array自带的也有,用哪个就看自己爱好。值得注意的是,多维函数可以指定对哪个维度进行计算,十分方便(不指定就默认对全部一起计算) ...
4.15 Input and output 4.16 Linear algebra (numpy.linalg) 4.17 Logic functions 4.18 Masked array operations 4.19 Mathematical functions 4.20 Matrix library (numpy.matlib) 4.21 Miscellaneous routines 4.22 Padding Arrays 4.23 Polynomials 4.24 Random sampling (numpy.random) ...