2023-07-22 15:27:3407:0045 所属专辑:Number the stars 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑
《Number the stars》afterword 112021-03 9 《Number the stars》chapter 17 152021-01 8 《Number the stars》chapter 16 42021-01 7 《Number the stars》chapter 15 252021-01 6 《Number the stars》chapter 14 142021-01 5 《Number the stars》chapter 13 112021-01 4 《Number the Stars》chapter 12...
numberthestars只是挑选了一个在二战中似乎从惨烈方面不足为人道的小故事但是故事中展现了的团结勇气人性和温情非常感人 阅读书目54:NumberTheStars 美国作家Lois Lowry的于1989年出版的获奖青少年文学获奖作品(Newbery Medal)。Lois Lowry 的青少年文学作品经常是触及深刻的社会/历史问题,她也以此知名。Number The Stars ...
Number The Stars 这本书也是一样,讲1943年德国纳粹占领的哥本哈根,10岁Annemarie及家人帮助犹太家庭逃离丹麦的故事。 面向小读者的关于二战的故事非常多,每本书都从不同的角度,描述这段生灵涂炭的人类历史。Number The Stars 只是挑选了一个在二战中似乎从惨烈方面不足为人道的小故事,但是故事中展现了的团结,勇气,...
Number the StarsVocabulary and IdiomsLEARN the words preceded by a little asterix PREVIEW: INTERNET WORK:1. Number the S,人人文库,
In the afterword, author Lois Lowry expressed her intention of writing this book. She said that the book is written also to commemorate and pass along the spirit of love and care. Love is the ultimate weapon that civilians have against their invaders. ...
Planet Book Club offers a lesson plan for the novel Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. This site provides materials (summary, links, outline) for the lesson.
Number the Stars 短评 读过(33) 在读 想读 我来写短评 热门 << 首页< 前页后页 > >Number the Stars 作者:Lois Lowry isbn:0547577095 书名:Number the Stars 页数:137 定价:GBP 6.01 出版社:Houghton Mifflin 出版年:2011-5-2 装帧:Paperback...
NumbertheStars1 IndependentReading AGuideto NumbertheStars LoisLowry “Papa,doyourememberwhatyouheardtheboysaytothe soldier?ThatallofDenmarkwouldbetheking’sbodyguard?... Well,nowIthinkthatallofDenmarkmustbebodyguardfor theJews,aswell.” TheNovelataGlance NumbertheStarsisaNewberyAward–winninghis- tori...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《Number the Stars 数星星(纽伯瑞奖) 9780440227533》,作者:Lois Lowry 著,出版社:Random House US。最新《Number the Stars 数星星(纽伯瑞奖) 9780440227533》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《Numbe