Based on true-life events in 1943 Denmark during World War II, “Number the Stars” tells the story of a Christian family who hides and ultimately rescues their Jewish neighbors. Described as “one of the most inspiring episodes in human history,” the Danish people saved thousands of Jews f...
He designed the four activities for maximum student involvement, with each requiring students to respond to Lois Lowry's "Number the Stars" in terms of current attitudes, beliefs, and behavior among youth. The students are encouraged to create a variety of solutions to pending social problems in...
i look up at the star i look up stars i looked at cassandra i looked in the mirro i looked your photo i lost that hat long i love american peopl i love anne i love china and i lo i love classical musi i love college life i love curry i love death i love dj i love going to...
I only used 2 nights to finish this book. And as a result, I think it is fairly easy to read. the book tells about a Danish family in World War 2, and it is written by an American writer, which surprises me.but all in all, I don't think this piece is better than the Chinese...
Groundhog Day on steroids is a good way to describe director Doug Liman’s ass-kicking Edge of Tomorrow, which stars Tom Cruise as a soldier trapped in a time loop while fighting some bad mother aliens from outer space. It turns out that every time the aliens kill him, he wakes back up...
Open Source GitHub Sponsors Fund open source developers The ReadME Project GitHub community articles Repositories Topics Trending Collections Enterprise Enterprise platform AI-powered developer platform Available add-ons Advanced Security Enterprise-grade security features GitHub Copilot Enterprise-gra...
evolution. We are still unclear about many of their physical properties and processes. Studying them can help us better answer the most fundamental scientific questions, such as what the universe is made up of, what physical laws govern the extreme universe, and how stars evolve and die," ...
sent into a Halo orbit at the second Lagrangian point of the Sun-Earth system. With the help of high-precision astrometry, it will survey about 100 Sun-like stars within 32 light years away from the solar system, and detect the number, planetary mass, and 3D orbits of the nearby planets...
Island can render straight to screen using the direct rendering swapchain, or use any number of available options for a window-based vulkan swapchain. It's also easy to render straight to an mp4 file (via ffmpeg), or an image sequence without showing a window, by selecting the appropriatele...
The Northman is a tense, atmospheric, and brutal historical thriller, told as if it were a story recounted around a medieval Scandinavian fire, grounded in an ancient point of view. This visually stunning but bloody revenge saga also stars Nicole Kidman, Claes Bang, Anya Taylor-Joy, Gustav Li...