这味儿那叫一个正 | Forbidden - Through Eyes of Glass (1988年现场) 3007 4 7:43 App 德敲| Sodom - Agent Orange (18年Rock Hard Fest现场) 151 -- 5:01 App 美敲| Lazarus A.D. - Absolute Power (新奥尔良现场) 427 -- 6:14 App 神圣帝国 | Sacred Reich - Death Squad (雅典现场) ...
Schiro later said that Scarpa would sometimes leave the numbers "666", the biblical Number of the Beast, on his victims' pagers. 席洛后来说,斯卡帕有时会在受害人的寻呼机上留下数字“666”,那是圣经中的獸名數目。 LASER-wikipedia2 Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the...
In the night the fires burning bright The ritual has begun satan's work is done 666 the number of the beast Sacrifice is going on tonight This can't go on I must inform the law Can this still be real or some crazy dream But I feel drawn towards the evil chanting hordes ...
网络释义 1. 兽的数目 你又有否听过兽的数目(the number of the beast)——666、兽印(the mark of the beast)或兽名(the name of the beast)这些名词 … www.82168.info|基于114个网页 2. 魔鬼的数字 迪金森在铁娘子中首张录制的专辑是1982年发行的《魔鬼的数字》(The Number of the Beast),这是他...
Define Number of the Beast. Number of the Beast synonyms, Number of the Beast pronunciation, Number of the Beast translation, English dictionary definition of Number of the Beast. the number 666, mentioned in Rev. xiii. 18., in which it is described as t
The number of the beast is a well-known instance of biblical numerology appearing in chapter 13, verse 18 of the Revelation to John. The number of the beast is usually referred to as 666, although the earliest extant written copy of Revelation gives 616.
666 and the number of the beast truth from the Bible and history. What is the number of the beast, who is the beast and what is the origin of 666?
666 the Number of the Beast Sacrifice is going on tonight This can't go on I must inform the law Can this still be real or some crazy dream But I feel drawn towards the evil chanting hordes They seem to mesmerise me can't avoid their eyes 666 the Number of the Beast 666...
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