Iced Earth - Number Of The Beast
基督教世界中666恰是最为知名的“兽名数目”(Number of the Beast),牛逼顿认为这是全能的上帝给他的启示,从此潜心神学 … fishingsnow.blogbus.com|基于7个网页 3. 兽数 Beauty指的是图中上面的那个式子,该式被称为“最优美的公式”之一,而下面的666是兽数(number of the beast),所以叫Beaut… ...
Iron Maiden - Number Of The Beast (Live)
检查“ number of the beast”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中number of the beast的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
666 the number of the beast Sacrifice is going on tonight This can't go on I must inform the law Can this still be real or just some crazy dream But I feel drawn towards the evil chanting hordes They seem to mesmerise me...can't avoid their eyes 666 the number of the beast 666 ...
你又有否听过兽的数目(the number of the beast)——666、兽印(the mark of the beast)或兽名(the name of the beast)这些名词 … www.82168.info|基于114个网页 2. 魔鬼的数字 迪金森在铁娘子中首张录制的专辑是1982年发行的《魔鬼的数字》(The Number of the Beast),这是他们第一张登上“英国专 ...
老牌金属乐队 IRON MAIDEN (铁娘子) 经典曲目《The Wicker Man》-cover by Kevin.L 360 0 00:43 App 新春来临之际放点儿时的回忆街霸Streetfighter 背景音乐的无品贝斯好好听🧧#贝斯谱#街霸游戏 1622 3 03:34 App 【Bass Tab】Light Dance(ライトダンス) 2.0万 6 03:40 App 喜欢冒险的放克贝司律动...
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