Rayo's number is one of the largest named numbers, coined in a large number battle pitting Agustín Rayo against Adam Elga on 26 January 2007.[1][2][3][4] Rayo's number is, in Rayo's own words, "the smallest positive integer bigger than any finite positive integer named by an expre...
So googolplex 1010100 could be represented by the string "pe100_1". To go higher than 1010300 I considered adding more p's to the beginning of the string to represent extra 10's, but I needed to discuss power-towers high enough to make that impracticl for use as labels. I wanted a...
It is like saying "the minimum number that is smaller than 1 and bigger than 2". As for the first question: minus googolplex? Mr Blobby 2005年12月7日 A interesting puzzle based on this: "The least integer indescribable using less than ten words" leads to the same contradiction as...
Archimedes (287–212BC), in his book The Sand Reckoner, described a way to count the sand grains by making bigger and bigger units. The following is an example. If a beach is 500m long, 10m wide and 2m deep, then the volume of sand in the beach is 10,000m3or 1010cm3. If 125 ...