Higher computable level Uncomputable numbers All numbers Googolty Googolduplex Googolilliard Googoc Million Billion Decker Notable numbers Googolplex Googolduplex Googoltriplex Ackermann number Thousand Googolquadruplex Super K By Jonathan Bowers Giggol Giggolplex Gaggol Gagg...
Medical Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia </>embed</> googolplex googol frequency absolute freq... number cardinal cardinal n... noun Synonyms for cardinal number nounthe number of elements in a mathematical set Synonyms cardinal Related Words number ...
So googolplex 1010100 could be represented by the string "pe100_1". To go higher than 1010300 I considered adding more p's to the beginning of the string to represent extra 10's, but I needed to discuss power-towers high enough to make that impracticl for use as labels. I wanted a...