智能指针可以确保在对象不再需要时自动释放其占用的内存,并且在对象被销毁时将其指针设置为null。 下面是一个简单的Java代码示例,展示了如何在使用对象之前检查它是否为null: java public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { Object myObject = null; // 假设这里myObject没有被正确初始化...
Issues839 Pull requests43 Discussions Actions Projects1 Wiki Security1 Insights Additional navigation options New issue Closed Description romani romani commentedon Jan 11, 2020 romani romani changed the titleSonar violation:Sonar violation: Null pointers should not be dereferencedon Jan 11, 2020 ...
not_nullis not just for built-in pointers. It works forunique_ptr,shared_ptr, and other pointer-like types. not_null不止适用于内置指针。它也适用于unique_ptr和shared_ptr以及其他类似指针的类型。 Enforcement(实施建议) (Simple) Warn if a raw pointer is dereferenced without being tested againstnu...
Pointer to FILE should not be dereferenced. V2550. MISRA. Floating-point values should not be tested for equality or inequality. V2551. MISRA. Variable should be declared in a scope that minimizes its visibility. V2552. MISRA. Expressions with enum underlying type should have values ...
Pointer to FILE should not be dereferenced. V2550. MISRA. Floating-point values should not be tested for equality or inequality. V2551. MISRA. Variable should be declared in a scope that minimizes its visibility. V2552. MISRA. Expressions with enum underlying type should have values ...
Invalid pointers may not be dereferenced (since they don't point to anything). Pointers in this category include a special kind of pointer known as a null pointer, and any pointer whose memory has been freed. When a pointer is first created, it may be in either a valid or invalid state...
V736. The behavior is undefined for arithmetic or comparisons with pointers that do not point to members of the same array. V737. It is possible that ',' comma is missing at the end of the string. V738. Temporary anonymous object is used. V739. EOF should not be compared with a val...
V736. The behavior is undefined for arithmetic or comparisons with pointers that do not point to members of the same array. V737. It is possible that ',' comma is missing at the end of the string. V738. Temporary anonymous object is used. V739. EOF should not be compared with a val...