@文心快码null pointers should not be dereferenced 文心快码 回答 1. 解释什么是空指针 空指针(Null Pointer)在编程中是一个特殊的指针值,它不指向任何有效的内存地址。在不同的编程语言中,空指针的表示方式可能略有不同,但基本概念相同。在Java、C/C++等语言中,空指针通常被表示为null(Java、C#等)或(void*)...
Security1 Insights Additional navigation options New issue Closed Description romani romani commentedon Jan 11, 2020 romani romani changed the titleSonar violation:Sonar violation: Null pointers should not be dereferencedon Jan 11, 2020 I propose to mark all issues as "Won't fix". ...
not_nullis not just for built-in pointers. It works forunique_ptr,shared_ptr, and other pointer-like types. not_null不止适用于内置指针。它也适用于unique_ptr和shared_ptr以及其他类似指针的类型。 Enforcement(实施建议) (Simple) Warn if a raw pointer is dereferenced without being tested againstnu...