太空港(Starport Nuka)东北边的罗伯科战斗场(RobCo Battlezone),大门前,是巧手旋转台(Handy Whirl);干掉两个门卫,进入场地内部。入口西边售票厅(专家级锁),窗口有两张游乐园地图(Park map pamphlet);撬门进入,里面的墙壁上有保险箱(高级锁),柜台上和柜台后的桌子上有1000多张的核子电玩游乐场票卷(Nuka-Cade tick...
Take a break from the new Public Events or massive Ultracite Titan and visit the Nukacade to try your hand at carnival games that are sure to be fun for the whole family! It’s got all your favorites, like “Bandit Roundup,”“Nuka Zapper Race,” and “Whack-A-Commie.” We’re also...
房间北边有保险箱(高级锁)、大工具箱,核子可乐自动售卖机(Nuka-Cola machine)里有石英可乐(Nuka-Cola Quartz);控制主机上有葡萄可乐(Nuka-Grape)、胜利可乐(Nuka-Cola Victory)和核子电玩游乐场票券(Nuka-Cade ticket),还有一台核子世界电厂:监管终端机(Nuka-World power: oversight terminal): 核子世界电厂:监管...
Two can be found inside the Nuka-Cade (respawns after some time away). One can be found in the secure beverageer lab, next to the Project Cobalt schematics. One can be found in Kiddie Kingdom, on the counter of the Nuka-Zapper Race stand.Notes...
the biggest creature ever introduced in a Fallout game, has also been added by the update, alongside the Nukacade filled with all sorts of games like “Bandit Roundup,”“Nuka Zapper Race,” and “Whack-A-Commie.” Winning these games will reward players with Nukacade points that can be ...
Three inVault-Tec: Among the Stars. Five inFar Harbor. Can be found as random loot in containers. Sold at theNuka-Cadefor 50Nuka-Cade tickets(items rotate every couple of days). Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
The Nuka-Cola Corporation[4][5][6] was a pre-War beverage corporation founded and led by its CEO John-Caleb Bradberton, best known for its flagship product, Nuka-Cola. By the time of the Great War it was the single largest beverage corporation in the Uni
一、 核子世界转运站(Nuka-World transit center)装了核子世界(Nuka-World)DLC后,就会自动接取到“请上车”的任务,在哔哔小子(Pip Boy)中打开电台,选择核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)。核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)广播内容包括核子世界主题曲(Nuka-World theme song)的浓缩摘录,接着是...
2/8 ¥99-288 剩余3.0万 汉方生物酸枣仁膏 服务退货包运费 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 选择 规格 参数保质期 十点读书旗舰店 关注店铺 进店逛逛 企业认证 8年有赞店 品牌认证 商品说明 清仓爆款!加入购物车,第二件0元【Cade konty针织轻底 健步运动鞋】 男款+女款 专柜品质!耐磨 鞋面超级透气 踩屎...
1 Fallout: New Vegas console commands 2 Fallout 4 perks 3 For Auld Lang Syne 4 Fallout: New Vegas weapons 5 ↑Fallout 4loading screens:"Amateur chemist John-Caleb Bradberton discovered the formula for Nuka-Cola in 2044. Within a year, Nuka-Cola could be purchased across the entire United ...