Band together to take down a new region boss: the devastating Ultracite Titan. Prepare for a battle of epic proportions. The Ultracite Titan is the largest creature ever in a Fallout game! Gear up and prepare for a showdown like never before. GET A HIGH SCORE IN THE NUKACADE! Take a b...
Head to the fairgrounds in the Ash Heap region to find new Public Events, square off against the monstrous Ultracite Titan, try games of skill in the Nukacade, meet new characters, earn rewards, and more! The Nuka-World on Tour update is now available and free for all Fallout 76 players...
In Fallout 76, Nuka-World is mentioned by Bubbles at the Whitespring Resort, and promotional apparel and junk items featuring Nuka-World are found in Appalachia.[28] Mentions of Nuka-World in Fallout 76 were greatly expanded upon with the Nuka-World on Tour update, which introduced a ...
↑11.011.1Fallout 4loading screen:"Nuka-Cola introduced fruit-flavored beverages such as Nuka-Cherry, Nuka-Grape and Nuka-Orange only a few short years after the corporation was founded. They were an instant success." ↑12.012.1Fallout 4loading screen:"Although the Nuka-Cola Corporation would ...
The Thirst Zapper is a weapon in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka World. An "energy" weapon that "fires" a squirt of water, with a handle and a barrel in the shape of a Nuka-Cola bottle. It initially does no direct damage at all, thus not feasible as an actual