NuGet Package Not Found or Installable Closed - Other Product11 0Votes amandrew goh soo meng -Reported Aug 27, 2023 10:05 AM I was trying to add the Rust plugin at - NuGet\Install-Package Rust -Version 0.11.20140519. But it returns a error. Is ...
--- Nuget包管理器打开就一直转,读不出页面, 但网页访问 【】很快,没有问题,不是网络的原因。 Package Manager 的控制台显示 读api index失败,proxy不能用https (大概这个意思) 在vs设置对话框的nuget包管理器的设置里,https改成http,也不管用。 (...
近日通过Nuget控制台获取包时报了如下错误 Package Manager Console error - PowerShell version2.0isnot supported. Please upgrade PowerShell to3.0or greater and restart Visual Studio. 操作系统为WIN7,从内容看,需要将PowerShell升级到3.0及以上版本才可以,经过查找,发现需要通过升级Windows Management Framework版本...
NuGet.exe 的最新版本完全受支持,可以依赖于缺陷修复、更新以及增强功能。 有关 NuGet.exe 支持策略的详细信息,请参阅Microsoft 新式生命周期策略。 可以在.NET 和 .NET Core 支持策略中找到 .NET SDK 支持策略。 修补程序版本 当Visual Studio 或 .NET SDK 的长期支持 (LTS) 版本需要关键安全修补程序时,将专...
Thanks for getting back. I did try to create a fresh new .NET core application with the very first thing of installing this package again but it was the same issue. Since I'm on windows, I ran the commandtaskliston cmd to check whether the programef.exewas running or not but i...
The GameInput redistributable is included in the NuGet package but is not automatically installed.If you are working with a GDK PC title, please see the documentation regarding Custom Install Actions for more information.During installation, the GameInput redistributable verifies that it will not result...
Nuget自己打包引用的时候出现错误:Package is not compatible with netcoreapp1.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0). Package 1.0.1 supports: net (.NETFramework,Version=v0.0) 解决方法: project.json中将 "frameworks": { "netcoreapp1.0": { "imports": [ "dnxcore50", "portable-net45+win8" ]} ...
I have created a new project on VS2019 and installed all the easyhook packages from nuGet. easyhook.h is included corectly, however the .lib files are not, resulting in linking errors. Linking the libraries manually works but that kind of defeats the purpouse. ...
-- Install/restore version 1.1.4, accept any 1.x or 2.x version on update, but not 0.x or 3.x and higher. --><packageid="ExamplePackage"version="1.1.4"allowedVersions="[1,3)"/><!-- Install/restore version 1.3.5, accepts 1.3.2 up to 1.4.x on update, but not 1.5 and ...
Install-Package : Could not install package 'Yeppp.CLR.Bundle 1.0.1-prerelease'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'native,Version=v0.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For mor...