I always get this no matter what version I try (I tried them all): Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details 1) Error Package 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Win2D.WinUI.Desktop.Msi.x64 8.0.7' has...
- installing/updating to previous version 8.0.31 works, but we need 8.0.32. - we use VS2022 - the issue occurs on a fresh created simple standalone .NET48 project where we want to install the package Thank you very much! Subject ...
I receive the following error when trying to download new nuget packages in Visual Studio 2019: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error NU3000 Signed package validation failed with multiple errors: NU3018: Pac...
Installing a Nuget package that has dependencies now fails to fetch and install its dependencies. This never used to happen before, it used to download all dependencies (recursively as well). Whenever I install the package for a Binding Library, all its dependencies get installed...
I'm trying to add WindowsAzure.Messaging.Managed package to my uwp solution and I receive error Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details Error Could not install package 'WindowsAzure.Messaging.Managed'. You are trying to install this package into a proje...
Install-Package Yeppp.CLR.Bundle -Pre fails the same way ( Install-Package : Unable to find package 'Yeppp.CLR.Bundle') M 2015-09-22 23:46 GMT+02:00 Justin @mprevot you installing into a managed ...
If the package you are installing is dependent on other packages, NuGet installs them also if they are not already installed. If the package requires license acceptance, you will not be prompted in a dialog box. Instead, a message states that your use of the library constitutes license accep...
PM> Install-Package RestSharp -Version 105.2.3 The source at All [(Aggregate source)] is unreachable. Falling back to NuGet Local Cache at C:\Users\seewin\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache Installing 'RestSharp 105.2.3'. Successfully installed 'RestSharp 105.2.3'. ...
Description:Trying to install package NuGet\Install-Package MySql.Data -Version 8.0.32 gives error of Failed to add reference to 'comerr64'.How to repeat:using visual studio 2019 try installing nuget package MySql.Data -Version 8.0.32Suggested fix:?
可以使用 dotnet CLI 或 CLI 支持 Visual Studio IDE 中的 NuGet 功能。 dotnet CLI 随某些 Visual Studio 工作负载一起安装,例如 .NET Core。 如前面所述,必须单独安装nuget.exeCLI。 有关各工具功能之间的比较,请参阅功能可用性部分。 若要面向 .NET Core 或 .NET Standard,请使用 dotnet SDK CLI 工具...