8月24日,日本政府单方面强行启动福岛核事故污染水排海。面对国际社会的强烈质疑和反对,日方却玩起文字游戏,将其排放的核污染水(nuclear-contaminated water)称作“处理后的核废水”(treated nuclear wastewater)。但“核污染水”与“核废水”存在本质不同,不可混淆。核废水:核电站在正常运行中产生的废水,如...
nuclear-contaminated water≠treated nuclear waste 8月24日,日本政府单方面强行启动福岛核事故污染水排海。 Japan startedreleasingnuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean on Thursday. 周四日本开始将受损的福岛核电站产生的核污水排至太平洋。 01...
“对环境造成影响”这句虽然从汉语角度理解是个动词结构,但在翻译中(因为要按照英语思维)经常处理为名词形式:the environmental impact 然而,日本政府对此毫不在意,还将其排放的核污染水(nuclear-contaminated water)称作“处理后的核废水”(t...
回复 妮妮zxghfyunnbuih ... 厉害了,紧跟时事 作者赞过 1年前·北京 1 分享 回复 lh. ... 来一期芝加哥行嘛 1年前·加拿大 0 分享 回复 超能Max学英语 ... nuclearcontaminatedwater 作者赞过 1年前·江苏 2 分享 回复 Bandana ... Call Annie ...
Japan's decision todischargenuclear-contaminated water from its Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station lacksjustification, given it hasn't fully listened to the opinions of all internationalstakeholders,experts said. 专家说,日本决定从福岛第一核电站排放受核...
A. Nuclear wastewater is the waste from a normal power plant. B. Nuclear-contaminated water is different from nuclear wastewater. C. Nuclear-contaminated water doesn’t harm people’s health after purifying. D. The processed nuclear wastewater can be put into the ocean.2. How did the nuclear...
Japan started sending nuclear-contaminated water (核污染水)into the ocean on Aug 24,2023.The world is worried about it. In 2011,a tsunami (海啸) hit a nuclear power plant (核电站) in Japan.The nuclear reactors (核反应堆) were damaged.They were very hot.Workers used a lot of water to...