MINISTER for Transport and Roads David Campbell said he was saddened by figures that showed the provisional NSW road toll for 2009 was 460, which is 86 higher than 2008.
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said the trial is an important milestone in the plan to transition the state’s 8000-plus public transport buses to zero emissions technology. “The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government is keeping our state moving forward by investing in the ...
There was increasing awareness that infrastructure spending was not keeping pace with the needs of the community, and the Minister for Transport and Roads, the Honourable Carl Scully attempted in his ‘Action for Transport, What Existed Before the Bus Reform Legislation of 2004? Before the reforms...
TransportforNSW14 DivisionofLocalGovernment14 BTWGCouncils15 AUTHOR:OBSMA DATE:March2013 DIVISION:Policy&Regulation 3 Introduction BoatTrailerParking NumerousLocalCouncilsandresidentsintheSydneyMetropolitanAreahavewrittentothePremier andMinisterforRoadsandPortsexpressingconcernaboutthegrowthofboattrailerparkingin ...
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said the trial is an important milestone in the plan to transition the state’s 8000-plus public transport buses to zero emissions technology. “The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government is keeping our state moving forward by investing in the...
Transport for NSW will administer the fund, which will have AU$2.5 million each year over four years. Legislation was passed last year to enable the NSW minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight to approve trials of automated vehicles. The legislation allows government to partner with industry, ...
“Being able to pass through from one side of this large hill to the other is a major achievement, and I look forward to the work over the next two years as the tunnels start to take their final shape.” NSW Regional Transport and Roads Minister Jenny Aitchison commented, “We see and...
TRANSPORT MINISTER FOR ROADS AND PORTSThe establishment of Transport for NSW on 1 November 2011 was an important step in achieving our vision for a truly integrated transport system.For the first time in NSW, a single transport authority is responsible for overseeing the entire transport system. ...
Kiersten was previously the Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment, where she managed a diverse portfolio spanning natural resources and the environment, as well as her current portfolio. Prior to that she was the Deputy Secretary, Cities & Active Transport at Transport for NSW, ...