Similarly, serious questions need to be asked why the Premier and Transport Minister were so unaware of major decisions being made on behalf of their government. Instead of celebrating the return to a full timetable this week, alongside the return of International Travel last week, the Premier...
with thenPremier Gladys Berejiklian arguing that NSW is “not good at building trains” and then Transport Minister Andrew Constance claiming that buying Australian made would cost 25% more
More developers will be able to get their hands on real-time public transport data under an initiative announced today by the NSW government.
"Adding extra traffic to this road before the upgrade works are completed would lead to an unacceptable level of service," said Clare Gardiner-Barnes, deputy secretary for freight, strategy and planning at transport for NSW. The dispute reflects a broad issue of integration between transport and ...
"We want to create a more personalised experience for our customers and the new Twitter automatic alerts pilot is a major step in that direction," the minister said. The pilot will launch in December and run for three months, with Constance adding that if the technology proves successful, Tr...
Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance said the task force will look into how the taxi industry has changed, particularly since the introduction of unregulated ride-sharing apps. "We also want to examine the sustainability of the industry in regional NSW, where operators are under...
Support for Lower Drink-Drive Limit; NSW Transport Minister Calls for Discussion after NRMA Poll Shows 42pc in Favour of 0.02
NSW 2006, Australia; E-Mail: 2 Center for North East Asian Studies, Tohoku University, 41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8576, Japan; and School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, NSW 2052, Australia * Author to whom corresp...
Autonomous vehicles will soon be a familiar sight in bush and city landscapes. In New South Wales the transport minister,Andrew Constance, predicted in 2017 that public transport might not be needed in future, certainly with no drivers, becauseautonomous carswill handle everything. ...