Free Zip / Unzip software and Rar file extractor. Cross-platform file and archive manager. Features volume spanning, compression, authenticated encryption. Supports 7Z, 7-Zip sfx, ACE, ARJ, Brotli, BZ2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, GZ, ISO, JAR, LHA/LZH, NSIS, O
File "C:\program files\winamp\plugins\vis_nsfs.dll" How to add a " in a quoted string? Escape it with $\" Tutorial For Developers New To Nsis ByNeal Olander What is NSIS? NSIS stands for Nullsoft Scriptable Install System. It is a free software package that you, as a developer, can...
Results:1 - 1of1 Show:All SoftwareOnly Freeware Sort by:relevance|title|downloads|rating|date Results:1 - 1of1 Show:All SoftwareOnly Freeware Sort by:relevance|title|downloads|rating|date Similarx64nsis for Windows 8keywords x64nsis
!define REG_RUN_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\${APP_NAME}" !define REG_APP_KEY "Software\${APP_NAME}" ; icon for this installer! Icon "${ICON_FILE}" !define MUI_ICON "${ICON_FILE}" !define MUI_UNICON "${ICON_FILE}" !if "${SIDEBAR_IMAGE}" != "" !define...
我打算制作一个Squeak 3.9[2]的 安装程序。它会从网络上分别下载Squeak的虚拟机和映象文件共两个zip包到用户的计算机上。然后解开这些zip包到用户的指定目录,例如 C:\Program files\squeak3.9\下。最后在用户的桌面和启动菜单建立squeak执行程序的快捷方式以及将来卸载时用的程序。
1.4 7-Zip 打开空白 实现7-Zip打开空白 !system '>blank set/p=MSCF<nul' !packhdr temp.dat 'cmd /c Copy /b temp.dat /b +blank&&del blank' 如果你想增加一个有内容的7z压缩到可执行文件头部,那么在脚本开始位置增加下面这行代码就可以了: ...
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\QCD 3" ; 如果可能的化从注册表中监测安装路径 InstallDirRegKey HKLM \ "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NSIS" \ "UninstallString" ; 授权协议页面 LicenseText /LANG=2052 "NSIS 是免费软件。安装前请先阅读以下协议条款" "我同意" ... nsNiuniuSkin是目前国内最专业的安装包UI控件,与NSIS完美融合。同时它也是一个完全免费的安装包UI控件,无任何的使用限制。我们的目标是让稍微有一点NSIS基础的人在一天内完成一个安装包制作。 下载软件目录包: https...
Base App: NSIS Category: Development About: NSIS is the scripting language used to write all of the launchers for the applications on this site, NSIS Portable includes the full NSIS package so beginning users will have examples, tutorials and help files
NSIS(Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)是一个开源的安装制作工具,可以用于创建Windows平台上的安装程序。NSIS脚本是一种特定的脚本语言,用于描述安装程序...