NSIS 是一个小巧的文件夹压缩器,其与 ZIP 或 RAR 等压缩器不一样的地方在于其能够生成一个自解压文件。 双击桌面的 NSIS 图标: 打开NSIS 文件夹压缩器,如下图所示: 点击Installer based on .ZIP file进入如下界面: 实例图如下所示: 制作完成,会有界面如下图所示: 安装程序输出路径下(本文为桌面)会显示,如...
3.2 使用 NSIS 将上一小节打包好的 ZIP 文件制作成安装程序 NSIS 是一个小巧的文件夹压缩器,其与 ZIP 或 RAR 等压缩器不一样的地方在于其能够生成一个自解压文件。 双击桌面的 NSIS 图标, 在这里插入图片描述 打开NSIS 文件夹压缩器,如下图所示, 在这里插入图片描述 点击Installer based on .ZIP file进入如...
1、首先在电脑中,启用英文版nsis,如下图所示。2、进入nsis首页,点击Installer based on ,ZIP file,如下图所示。3、然后在打开的窗口中,点击open按钮,如下图所示。4、接着将加密zip文件添加进来,如下图所示。5、选择输出文件路径,点击Generate按钮,如下图所示。6、这时nsis会生成一个exe文件...
1、打开nsis zip密码清除工具后,点击Installer based on ZIP file选项 2、在弹出的Zip2Exe窗口中,点击Open按钮,来执行zip转exe文件操作 3、选择要转化的zip压缩包文件,点击打开按钮来加载zip压缩包文件 4、导入文件成功后,你可以设定Installer Name名称和输出的exe文件名称,点击Generate按钮开始生成。
# Move the installer to the artifacts directory mv src/installer/bin/*.exe artifacts/ elif [ -n "$UNPACKED" ]; then # Copy the artifacts to be uploaded unpacked. for ARTIFACT in build/bundle/*; do FILENAME=$(basename "$ARTIFACT") 15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion 15 .github/wor...
The scons installer downloaded from their website comes in RPM format which could be a problem for systems not based in Ubuntu. For Debian I used the alien [aptitude install alien] tool, which converts RPM packages into DEB packages by running this command:alien -k filename.rpm ...
!insertmacro ZIPDLL_EXTRACT "C:unzippedZipDLL\test.zip" "c:output\" "<ALL>" "On Success, the string "success" is on top of the stack, else an error message." ? Extracting a file from the installer This minimal script includes a file inside the installer, and extracts it on the host...
- Installer executable - Installer default installation directory does not require Administrator rights. - `c:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Programs\DLTViewer` - Installer creates Windows Start Menu shortcuts to DLT Viewer and documentation. - Everything is installed into one location - 7zip archive...
An instruction is every command that is executed at run-time, when the installer is running. MessageBox, Goto, GetDLLVersion, FileRead, SetShellVarContext are all instructions. AddSize, Section, SectionGroup, SectionEnd, SetOverwrite (and everything under Compiler Flags), Name, SetFont,LangString...