IntCmp val1 val2 jump_if_equal [jump_if_val1_less] [jump_if_val1_more] #当val1=val2,goto jump_if_equal #当val1<val2,goto jump_if_val1_less #当val1>val2,goto jump_if_val1_more #jump_if_equal/jump_if_val1_less/jump_if_val1_more是三个goto标签 StrCmp/StrCmpS:字符串比较。
; installed by getting the install path and checking to see if the ; mscorlib.dll exists. EnumRegValue $2 HKLM "$1\policy\$3" 0 ; $2 should equal whatever comes after the major and minor versions ; (ie, v1.1.4322) StrCmp $2 "" NoDotNET ReadRegStr $4 HKLM $1 "InstallRoot" ; ...
Downloading a file from the webHere, we check if a file exists on the host; If not, we download it from the web, and run it silently:Section "VB5 Runtime" ;Quick and dirty way to check if the runtime is installed IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\msvbvm50.dll" end StrCpy $1 "msvbvm50...
a user has an option to skip a file if SetOverwrite is set to on,and the installer fails to open a file for writing when trying to extract a file. if off is used the ignore button which allows the user to skip the file will not show and the user will only have an option to abor...
Example (Find one file): Section ${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/L=F /M=RPC DCOM.rar /S=1K" "Example1" ; 'RPC DCOM.rar' file in 'C:\ftp' with size 1 Kb or more IfErrors 0 +2 MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2 MessageBox MB_OK "$$R0=$R0" ...
nsi使用GOTO语句和IfErrors、Message Box、If Fil eExists及StrCmp进行程序控制流表示,标号是这些语句的目标语句。 标号定义的语法:标号:语句 标号必须定义在函数和区段中,其作用范围仅限于定义它的区段或函数。以点号“.”开头的标号是全局标号。 相对跳转 ...
If a file named "nsisconf.nsh" in the config directory exists, it will be included by default before any scripts (unless the /NOCONFIG command line parameter is used). The config directory on Windows is the same directory as makensis.exe is in. On other platforms this is set at install...
Update: it seems that resource map works different from files, for example if I want to bundle a binary from target/release folder, the bundler errors, stating that the file already exists, which tells me that it must be copying files....
If this value is non-zero, then the mutex already exists and we know our launcher is being run a second time. Why do it this way? Becuase if we just check for the launcher's process name, it will always return true, even the first time it's run. Hope that makes a little sense....
if os.environ.get("NSIS_SCRIPTS_RAISE_ERRORS"): sys.exit(1) def run_pre_uninstall(): """ call the pre uninstall script, if the file exists """ path = join(ROOT_PREFIX, 'pre_uninstall.bat') if not isfile(path): return env = os.environ.copy() env.setdefault('PREFIX',...