Here, we check if a file exists on the host; If not, we download it from the web, and run it silently:Section "VB5 Runtime" ;Quick and dirty way to check if the runtime is installed IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\msvbvm50.dll" end StrCpy $1 "msvbvm50.exe" StrCpy $2 "$SYSDIR\$...
File ..\${exe_file} File ..\TujiaStudio.dll IfErrors block1 done block2: File ..\${exe_file} File ..\TujiaStudio.dll Goto done done: SetOverwrite on ; Write info to registry WriteRegStr ${root_key} "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${prod_name}" "DisplayIcon" "$...
Push $var ; If $var="StopLocate" Then exit from function FunctionEnd Note: - Error flag if disk or directory isn't exist - Error flag if syntax error - See also Locate plugin Example (Find one file): Section ${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/L=F /M=RPC DCOM.rar /S=1K" "Example1" ; ...
IfFileExists $MT_DIR\experts\*.*0+2 goto skip MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL"所选文件夹中未找到MetaTrader 4。$\n需要为您安装MetaTrader 4吗?"IDCANCEL +6 SetOutPath"$TEMP" File"${ROOT}mt4setup.exe" ExecWait'"$TEMP\mt4setup.exe"' Delete"$TEMP\mt4setup.exe" goto recheck Abort skip: ${EndIf} Fu...
;this attribute tells the installer to check a string in the registry,and use it for the install dir if ;that string is valid. ;让安装器检查某个键值字符串,如果是合法的,将它作为安装目录,如果存在此属性设置且字符串合法,它将覆盖 ;InstallDir属性,如果不合法,则使用InstallDir的缺省值,在检查字符串...
SimpleSC::ExistsService"JiXiaoNotifyPush" Pop $0 ; 0:服务已经存在;不是0,服务不存在 ;如果服务已经存在 ${If} $0 == 0 Push $0 ; Checkifthe service is running SimpleSC::ServiceIsRunning"JiXiaoNotifyPush" Pop $0 ; returns anerrorcode(<>0) otherwisesuccess(0) ...
If a file named "nsisconf.nsh" in the config directory exists, it will be included by default before any scripts (unless the /NOCONFIG command line parameter is used). The config directory on Windows is the same directory as makensis.exe is in. On other platforms this is set at install...
SkipSplash: IfFileExists `$PROFILE\Tick5.ini` "" MoveIni ; Check if local Tick5.ini exists -- No: Goto MoveIni Rename `$PROFILE\Tick5.ini` `$EXEDIR\Data\settings\Tick5.ini.bak` ; Backup the local machine's Tick5.ini file MoveIni: IfFileExists `$EXEDIR\Data\settings\Tick5.ini`...
; Check .NET 4.0 Call IsDotNetInstalled ; Put file there SetOutPath $INSTDIR File ..\readme.txt IfSilent block1 block2block1: ClearErrors SetOverwrite try File ..\${exe_file} File ..\TujiaStudio.dll IfErrors block1 doneblock2: File ..\${exe_file} File ..\Tujia...
check_call(args, env=env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: err("Error: running %s failed\n" % path) if os.environ.get("NSIS_SCRIPTS_RAISE_ERRORS"): sys.exit(1) def run_pre_uninstall(): """ call the pre uninstall script, if the file exists """ path = join(ROOT_PREF...