6.2 Conversion Constructors 6.3 CommandLine 6.4 Tracing 6.5 Cygwin limitation 7 Troubleshooting 7.1 OS X problem and resolution Overview The goal of Python bindings for NS-3 are two fold:1. Allow the programmer to write complete simulation scripts in Python (http://wwww.python.org) ;
python3 -m pip install --user cppyy sudo apt installmercurial-y sudo apt install cmake-format -y # 可选 sudo apt install tcpdump wireshark -y sudo apt install sqlite sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev -y sudo apt install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools -y sudo apt install o...
$ ./ns3configure --enable-python-bindings 3.测试python程序。 执行以下命令,该命令将运行一个以NS-3的C++程序为Python库的Python程序。 1 ./waf--pyrun examples/tutorial/first.py 第一次进行NS-3 Python库的准备要经过编译环节,之后再运行同一个Python程序的话不会再经过这一旷日持久的过程了。 看到这个...
If you do not plan to modify ns-3 upstream modules, you can get a pre-built version of the ns-3 python bindings. It is recommended to create a python virtual environment to isolate different application packages from system-wide packages (installable via the OS package managers). python3 -...
NS-3is a mature, open-source networking simulation library with contributions from theLawrence Livermore National Laboratory,Google Summer of Code, and others. It has a high degree of capability to simulate various kinds of networks and user-end devices, and its Python-to-C++ bindings make it ...
这是一些用来协助ns-3下载和编译的Python脚本。这些脚本需要通过mercurial版本控制工具从ns-3的远端服务器(也就是mercurial仓库)中下载。ns-3项目mercurial仓库的地址是http://code.nsnam.org/。这里面包含了各种历史发行版和一些开发者的私人代码仓库。 3.第三步:下载allinone源代码包 使用download.py脚本下载指定的...
./waf --run dce-zebra-simple Waf: Entering directory `/home/mickeyze/ns3/dce/dce/source/ns-3-dce/build' --- Python bindings compilation --- [ 11/348] Creating build/lib/pkgconfig/libns3-dev-netlink-debug.pc [112/348] Creating build/lib/pkgconfig/libns3-dev-dce-debug.pc [115/348...
命令中的点号代表当前目录,当前命令下的waf文件,waf文件是一个python。是NS3自带的。 通过上面的命令,使用当面目录下的waf文件配置NS3,并使得编译版本为debug模式,同时使得实例代码和测试代码可用。 终端上输出日志如下: Setting top to:.Setting out to:build Checkingfor'gcc'(c compiler):/usr/bin/gcc Checking...