This gene encodes glucocorticoid receptor, which can function both as a transcription factor that binds to glucocorticoid response elements in the promoters of glucocorticoid responsive genes to activate their transcription, and as a regulator of other transcription factors. This receptor is typically found...
NR3C1 gene encodes the human glucocorticoid receptor(hGR), which is a ligand-dependent transcription factor and activates transcription of glucocorticoid-responsive genes through binding directly to glucocorticoid response elements(GREs) in their promoter region, or modulating transcriptional activity of other...
该基因的选择性剪接导致编码相同或不同亚型的转录变体由于使用交替的帧内翻译起始位点而产生的其他亚型也被描述,并且被证明是功能性的,显示出不同的细胞质到细胞核的转运模式和不同的转录活性(PMID:15866175)[由RefSeq提供,2011年2月] This gene encodes glucocorticoid receptor, which can function both as a trans...
This gene encodes glucocorticoid receptor, which can function both as a transcription factor that binds to glucocorticoid response elements in the promoters of glucocorticoid responsive genes to activate their transcription, and as a regulator of other transcription factors. This receptor is typically found...
These results suggest that epigenetic alteration of the NR3C1 gene in the placentas of genetically susceptible infants can have impacts on neurodevelopment which may have lifelong impact on neurobehavioral and mental health outcomes. Further research is needed to more precisely define these relationships ...
A Salzmann1, R Nicastro3, S Guillaume4,5,6, D Mouthon2, C Stouder2, K Dieben3, P Huguelet3, P Courtet4,5,6 and A Malafosse1,2 Childhood maltreatment, through epigenetic modification of the glucocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C1), influences the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA ...
Most teleosts present twogrgenes, calledgr1andgr28but in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) model organism, the genome contains a singlegrgene9, the structure of which is highly similar to the organization of the human gene,hGR10. In humans, two main protein isoforms, GRα and GRβ, are produced...
Harsh Parenting Predicts Novel HPA Receptor Gene Methylation and NR3C1 Methylation Predicts Cortisol Daily Slope in Middle Childhood Adverse experiences in childhood are associated with altered hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis function and negative health outcomes throughout life. It is now ...
gene expressionstress hormonesTSSTStress diseases such as affective disorders are often characterized by a disturbed regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis. This dysregulation can be explained by an impaired function of the receptors involved in the HPA-axis regulation, for ...