今晚在学习 Vue-Cli 时, 由于突发奇想想试试最新的 @4.x.x 版本, 但是本地全局安装的脚手架版本是...
老师,你好,我执行 npx tailwindcss init -p 创建 tailwind.config.js 文件时,出现以下错误: 10:04:54 [vite] Internal server error: Failed to load PostCSS config (searchPath: E:/前端/11基于 Vue3 ,打造前台+中台通用提效解决方案/vite-project): [Failed to load PostCSS config] Failed to load Po...
As I understand the requirements, tailwinds 2.0 requires Node >= 12 as per#2831 (comment) I am using the latest LTS of node v14.15.1 which should be good. However when running npx tailwindcss init -p I am getting the following error ...
yarn dlx tailwindcss init tailwind.js (note the tailwindcsscommand) You then get the expected: ➤ YN0000: ┌ Resolution step ➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 2.25s ➤ YN0000: ┌ Fetch step ➤ YN0013: │ electron-to-chromium@npm:1.3.395 can't be found in the cache and will be fet...