Describe the problem: Using tailwind in post-css compatibility mode I've got tailwind 2.0 installed and the build process runs, however now I want to set up a config file so I can add custom colors etcetera. I run the npx tailwindcss ini...
今晚在学习 Vue-Cli 时, 由于突发奇想想试试最新的 @4.x.x 版本, 但是本地全局安装的脚手架版本是...
打造前台+中台通用提效解决方案/vite-project): [Failed to load PostCSS config] Failed to load PostCSS config (searchPath: E:/前端/11基于 Vue3 ,打造前台+中台通用提效解决方案/vite-project): [Failed to load PostCSS config] Failed to load PostCSS config (searchPath: E:...