This parser allows us to lint the <template> of .vue files. We can make mistakes easily on <template> if we use complex directives and expressions in the template. This parser and the rules of eslint-plugin-vue would catch some of the mistakes....
Adding errors to the templateBody.errors array doesn't actually seem to affect linting at all, but I found this KeywordsnonePackage Sidebar Install npm i vue-eslint-parser-template-tokenizer-pug ...
`eslint-plugin-import`[30] - 使用 eslint-config-airbnb-base 时必须安装的前置插件 `vue-eslint-parser`[31] - 使用 eslint-plugin-vue 时必须安装的 ESLint 解析器 npm i eslint eslint-define-config eslint-config-airbnb-base eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-vue vue-eslint-parser -D 复...
添加eslint 配置 在package.json 里新增字段 eslintConfig。(也可以新建文件stylelintrc) // vue项目(需要安装 eslint-plugin-vue、babel-eslint) "eslintConfig": { "root":true, "extends": [ "plugin:vue/essential", "eslint-config-zc-base" ], "parserOptions": { "parser":"babel-eslint" } ...
parser: 'babel-eslint', //此项是用来指定javaScript语言类型和风格,sourceType用来指定js导入的方式,默认是script,此处设置为module,指某块导入方式 parserOptions: { sourceType: 'module' }, //此项指定环境的全局变量,下面的配置指定为浏览器环境
ESLint是用于识别和报告ECMAScript / JavaScript代码中的书写方式的工具。ESLint是完全插件化的,每个规则都是一个插件,你可以在运行时添加更多内容。 50.Prettier Prettier是一种固执己见的代码格式化程序。它通过解析代码并使用自己的规则(考虑到最大行的长度)重新打印代码,以及在必要时包装代码,来强制执行一致的样式...
?Pick additional lint features: Lint on save ? Wheredo you prefer placing configfor Babel, ESLint, etc.?In dedicated config files ? Save this as a presetfor future projects?Yes ? Save preset as: ts_tmpl 创建完成之后,会出现如下提示 ...
npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-vue-scoped-css vue-eslint-parser Requirements ESLint v6.0.0 and above Node.js v12.22.x, v14.17.x, v16.x and above Usage New Config (eslint.config.js) Useeslint.config.jsfile to configure rules. See also:
.eslintrc.js module.exports={env:{browser:true,node:true,amd:true,},extends:['eslint:recommended','plugin:@typescript-eslint/eslint-recommended','plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended','prettier',],parserOptions:{ecmaVersion:2015,sourceType:'module',},plugins:['@typescript-eslint','prettier...
"eslintConfig": { "root":true, "env": { "node":true }, "extends": [ "plugin:vue/essential", "eslint:recommended" ], "rules": {}, "parserOptions": { "parser":"babel-eslint" }, } 3. babel babel用来指定Babel的编译配置,代码如下: ...