configs.recommended, { files: ["*.vue", "**/*.vue"], languageOptions: { parser: vueParser, }, } ] 🔧 Options parserOptions has the same properties as what espree, the default parser of ESLint, is supporting. For example: import vueParser from "vue-eslint-parser" export default [...
确保没有拼写错误,并且parser字段的值正确设置为vue-eslint-parser。 确保ESLint的版本与vue-eslint-parser兼容: 有时候,如果ESLint的版本太旧或太新,可能会与vue-eslint-parser不兼容。你可以查看vue-eslint-parser的文档或package.json文件,以确定它所需的ESLint版本范围。然后,你可以使用以下命令来更新ESLint:...
由于 @typescript-eslint/parser 底层是依赖 Typescript complier 作为编译器,而 babel 转换时使用的是其自己的编译器,两者不一致,可能会出现使用了 babel 中支持而 Typescript complier不支持的 Typescript 语法,然后 ESLint 报错的情况。
The ESLint custom parser for `.vue` files. Contribute to vuejs/vue-eslint-parser development by creating an account on GitHub.
vue-eslint-parser错误 qianzs 23174162 发布于 2020-04-02 const linter = new CLIEngine({ fix: program.fix, ignorePattern: [], useEslintrc: false, parser: 'vue-eslint-parser', parserOptions: { parser: "babel-eslint", sourceType: 'module', }, cwd: process.cwd(), env: ['browser']...
fix, ignorePattern: [], useEslintrc: false, parser: 'vue-eslint-parser', parserOptions: { parser: "babel-eslint", sourceType: 'module', }, cwd: process.cwd(), env: ['browser'], plugins: [ 'vue' ], rules, }); eslint从5.x升级到了6.x以后vue-eslint-parser就报错,都是最新...
Reason: typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#2865 (comment) Hi, I'm using vue-eslint-parser and typescript-eslint in company project. At the same time, I also help to contribute typescript-eslint project for fixing vue problems. This prob...
parserOptions是传给vue-eslint-parser的参数,由于我们配置了parser,所有文件的解析都会经过vue-eslint-parser, 如果遇到了ts文件,就会切换到parserOptions.parser来编译解析。 其实vue-eslint-parser内部实现了parseForESLint方法,这个方法在中文文档中,也有所介绍。parser...
Tell us about your environment ESLint Version: 4.14.0 eslint-plugin-vue Version: 4.0.1 Node Version: 8.9 Please show your full configuration: { "extends": ["./node_modules/@my/eslintconfig"], "parser": "babel-eslint", "parserOptions": { ...