Alternatively, you can use a command to uninstall all local packages. If you are on Windows, run the following command using Git Bash. Open your terminal in your project's root directory (where your package.json) file is and run the following command to uninstall all local packages. shell ...
This can be passed into any of the commands that modify your local installation, eg, install, update, dedupe, uninstall, as well as pack and publish.Note: This is NOT honored by other network related commands, eg dist-tags, owner, etc....
卸载npm和安装npm To uninstall a package you have previously installed locally (using npm install in the node_modules folder, run 要卸载以前在本地 npm install (使用node_modu...
Hard to pinpoint exactly what package it is sometimes. Nuclear option is to uninstall all global packages (make a note of them first), then navigate to working directory of any projects you have and clean cache from within each project directory. Now navigate to home directory, clean cache a...
A straightforward way to achieve it that I’m sure every one of us has done once in our development journey is to remove the entry of theNPMpackages you want to uninstall from thepackage.jsonfile, delete thenode_modulesfolder, and re-install all the dependencies and dev dependencies usingnp...
When I typenpm uninstall -g stylelintI get the message that I mentioned above. The package is still there. supporting information: npm -vprints: 5.3.0 node -vprints: v6.3.1 npm config get registryprints: ...
$ npm config get prefix/usr/local $whoamicabox 上面的命令可以查到你是以cabox用户来运行命令的,npm将全局package安装package到/usr/local下面的lib/node_modules目录下面,比如gulp,bower,grunt等需要全局安装的node module都将存放到这里,而如果你对该目录没有写的权限,则会出现问题,因此你可以做的是chown -R...
remove it from the file: 如果程序包是在...flag: 如果软件包是全局安装的,则需要添加-g / --global标志: npm uninstall -g for example: 例如: npm uninstall...翻译自: 卸载npm和安装npm 发布者:全栈程序员栈长,转载请注明出处:https://javaforall....
This can be passed into any of the commands that modify your local installation, eg, install, update, dedupe, uninstall, as well as pack and publish.Note: This is NOT honored by other network related commands, eg dist-tags, owner, etc....
当使用npm安装依赖时,分为本地安装(local)和全局安装(global),它俩的区别就是是否包含-g参数: |命令|简写|说明| | --- | --- | --- | | 无 | 无 | 将模块安装到本地node_modules目录下,但不保存在package.json中。 | | --save | -S | 将模块安装到本地node_modules目录下,同时保存到package...