For you to uninstall a package all you need to do is to type: npm uninstall -g <package> If you want to uninstall a package called jshint, you would type: npm uninstall -g jshint There you go we have successfully shown you how to install, update and uninstall a package. In the ne...
If you need to reinstall the dependencies of your project, issue the npm install command. shell npm install The command will install the dependencies and devDependencies packages from your package.json file. # Uninstall all npm packages using a command Alternatively, you can use a command to u...
npm-reinstallwilluninstallandinstallyour packages again. Installation npm install -g npm-reinstall #or yarn global add npm-reinstall Usage Usage: reinstall [options] <package> ... Dependency Options: --global, -g Reinstall global package [boolean] --save, -S Reinstall package in dependencies [bo...
NPM with all its functionalities allows us to uninstall a package as well. Removing a package or dependency is helpful in various scenarios such as when you no longer need it or you want to reinstall it due to some errors. In this article, we will learn how we can uninstall npmpackagesor...
For example: if you try to uninstall eslint, it gives you that error. If you reinstall the package and then uninstall it again, now it removes the package successfully... So, to solve: npm ls -g --depth=0 // To get all the packages installed globally npm i -g "package" // For...
I have the all installed, latest, and even tried to uninstall and the reinstall the exact required version, but still get the error. And this is a quit common problem for me, getting UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY even though I have the said dependency installed. ...
npmuninstall <pkg>@<version> [<pkg>@<version>] npminstall <alias>@npm:<name> npmlink Usage: npmlink <folder> Use as Lib Install $ npm install npminstall --save Usage constnpminstall =require('npminstall');(async() =>{awaitnpminstall({// install root dirroot: process.cwd(),// opt...
npm uninstall @babel/core </> Copy Code Now that you’ve learned how to update and remove unnecessary dependencies, let’s examine scenarios where you may face difficulty in installing devDependencies. What to Do if You Can't Install Dev Dependencies?
npm uninstall node-pre-gyp --save npm install @mapbox/node-pre-gyp --save Features A command line tool callednode-pre-gypthat can install your package's C++ module from a binary. A variety of developer targeted commands for packaging, testing, and publishing binaries. ...
npm uninstall -g vsts-npm-auth Clear your npm cache: Copy npm cache clean --force Delete your .npmrc file. Reinstall vsts-npm-auth: Copy npm install -g vsts-npm-auth --registry --always-auth false Unable...