To use ESLint with pnpm, we recommend setting up a .npmrc file with at least the following settings:auto-install-peers=true node-linker=hoisted This ensures that pnpm installs dependencies in a way that is more compatible with npm and is less likely to produce errors....
const[foo,{get},]=awaitPromise.all([bar(),import('lodash-es'),]asconst) Refer to thedocumentationfor more details. Sponsors License MIT License © 2024-PRESENTAnthony Fu npm ieslint-plugin-command Repository ...
"all": "npm run build && npm run format && npm run lint && npm run pack && npm test" } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. eslint,prettier,ncc,jest不是安装为全局可执行文件,而是安装在项目本地的 node_modules/.bin/ 中。 最新引入的npx使我们可以像在全局安装程序一样运行...
Ivan12273 / Unnecessary-variables-and-ESLint-fixes iwe7 / cli j-f1 / forked-npm-cli JacobLey / cli jacobtolar / cli jamesemmott / npm-cli jamesgeorge007 / cli-2 jameshfisher / cli-1 jameshulse / cli Jankyboy / cli-1 japrozs / cli jasisk / cli JasonEtco /...
eslintbotcommentedOct 26, 2016 Hi@mariaczi, thanks for the issue. It looks like there's not enough information for us to know how to help you. If you're reporting a bug, please be sure to include: The version of ESLint you are using (runeslint -v) ...
$npmx-c'eslint && say "hooray, lint passed"' $ npx-c'eslint && say "hooray, lint passed"' Compatibility with Older npx Versions Thenpxbinary was rewritten in npm v7.0.0, and the standalonenpxpackage deprecated at that time.npxuses thenpm execcommand instead of a separate argument parse...
$npmx-c'eslint && say "hooray, lint passed"' $ npx-c'eslint && say "hooray, lint passed"' Compatibility with Older npx Versions Thenpxbinary was rewritten in npm v7.0.0, and the standalonenpxpackage deprecated at that time.npxuses thenpm execcommand instead of a separate argument parse...
" in your browser. We created an instance of an HTTP server using the built-in http module. This is a simple but highly powerful server that can handle requests, issue responses and a whole lot more. We can see the additional power of the basic HTTP server by extending ...
node_modules/eslint-config-react-appnpmERR! eslint-config-react-app@"^6.0.0"fromreact-scripts@4.0.1npmERR! node_modules/react-scriptsnpmERR!2more (eslint-plugin-jest, react-scripts)npmERR! tsutils@"^3.21.0"from@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@4.28.3npmERR! node_modules/@typescript...
ERROR: Registering runner... failed runner=R5udHcCx status=couldn't execute POST against http...