Configuring Prettier to work with ESLint Here's where the real magic happens. As a reminder, you'll want to have completed the previous ESLint tutorial first. With ESLint and Prettier already installed, install these two packages as well. npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier esli...
I've got a project with a.pre-commit-config.yamlthat features, among other things, the official ESLint hook. It works perfectly when using the old-style.eslintrc.jsonconfig, but replacing it with the new-styleeslint.config.jscauses it to fail. The hook config looks like this: -repo...
CSS-Tricks All things web design The Wave Content to level up your business. Resources Tutorials Questions and Answers Marketplace Tools Write for DOnations Cloud Chats Customer Stories DigitalOcean Blog Pricing Calculator Get Involved Hatch Startup Program ...
eslint-filtered-fix Gain more control over how ESLint fixes are applied. ianvs •0.3.0•3 years ago•2dependents•MITpublished version0.3.0,3 years ago2dependentslicensed under $MIT 362,684 @leapwallet/elements ## How to use ...
I want to use vue-tsc for type checking in vue. I want to use lint-stage now, but vue-tsc can't seem to find my tsconfig.json "lint-staged": { "*.{ts,tsx}": [ "prettier --write", "eslint --fix", "tsc --noEmit --pretty false --skipLibCheck", "git add" ], "*.{...
I'm attempting to use the ESLint linter with the Jest testing framework. Jest tests run with some globals likejest, which I'll need to tell the linter about; but the tricky thing is the directory structure, with Jest the tests are embedded with the source code in__tests__folders, so ...
Let’s run through this example. In yourlocatorapplication, you will use theaxioslibrary, which will help you make HTTP requests. Install it by entering the following in your shell: npminstallaxios--save Copy You begin this command withnpm install, which will install the package (for brevity...
You can run the npm init command to create some generic version of package.json. It’s going to ask you some questions here to create a boilerplate file with required fields. We are going to address these fields later, but for now, we are going to focus on name, version, repository ...
If you would like to try this simple package manager, just install it globally: Via Yarn: $ yarn global add tiny-package-manager Via npm: $ npm i -g tiny-package-manager Then just go to a directory which contains validpackage.jsonand run: ...
test: This script runs the tests defined in your project. It may run a testing framework like Jest. lint: A lint script runs a linting tool such as ESLint to check the code for potential errors. watch: This script watches the source code for changes and then runs a command. It’s us...