A Node wrapper around a Java HTML to PDF converter to allow users to make HTML templates for automated generation of PDFs. While often in Node this is achieved through phantomjs, for larger PDF reports each report being a large image can make the file very large very quickly. This aims ...
Here is an example of how to use it.const fs = require("fs"); const generatePDF = require("html-template-to-pdf"); async function main() { /* ** When `show` is true, the element will be shown. ** When `show` is false, the element will be hidden. */ const arrayBuffer = ...
Get started today for free, or step up to npm Pro to enjoy a premium JavaScript development experience, with features like private packages. Sign up for free Learn about Pro Bring the best of open source to you, your team, and your company ...
A combine usage with jsPDF and html2canvas, which translating html content to PDF file.Version 1.5.2 License ISC INSTALL Type: ESM Default Version: Static <script type="module"> import jspdfHtml2canvas from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jspdf-html2canvas@1.5.2/+esm' </script>...
npm install --save html2canvas jspdf 这条命令会从npm仓库下载并安装这两个包,并将它们添加到你的项目依赖中(即在 package.json 文件的 dependencies 部分添加这两个包)。 等待安装完成: npm会处理依赖关系并下载必要的文件。安装完成后,你会在项目的 node_modules 文件夹中看到 html2canvas 和jspdf 这两...
path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".html")) processFile(item.path); }); /** * @param {string} sourceFilePath */ async function readCommitsLog(sourceFilePath: string) { const SEPARATOR = "\x01"; const { stdout: commitsLog } = await execFileAsync("git", [ "log", `--pretty=format:%...
path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".html")) processFile(item.path); }); /** * @param {string} sourceFilePath */ async function readCommitsLog(sourceFilePath: string) { const SEPARATOR = "\x01"; const { stdout: commitsLog } = await execFileAsync("git", [ "log", `--pretty=format:%...
Apparently the limit has been dropped down to 8MB on couchdb version 3 and this document takes 11.3MB. Setting the [couchdb]max_document_size to a bigger value and retrying the sync fixed the problem https://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/config/couchdb.html#couchdb/max_document_size Actions...
npminstall时报错:npmERR!fatal:unabletoaccess‘htt。。。npminstall时报错:npmERR!fatal:unabletoaccess‘htt。。。解决办法: git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
1. npm ERR! Response timeout while trying to fetch https://registry.npmjs.org/@xxx(over 3000 2. npm ERR! code EINTEGRITY 3. npm ERR! Response timeout while trying to fetch https://registry.npmjs.org/@xxx(over 3000 4. npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '......