npm install html-pdf-node Usage To convertHTMLpage toPDFusinggeneratePdfmethod: varhtml_to_pdf=require('html-pdf-node');letoptions={format:'A4'};// Example of options with args /// let options = { format: 'A4', args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'] };letfile={con...
Take a look athtml-pdf-node packagefor additional pdf generation options. Installation npm install html-template-to-pdf Usage Here is an example of how to generate a pdf fromindex.html. constfs=require("fs");constgeneratePDF=require("html-template-to-pdf");asyncfunctionmain(){constarrayBuffer... /pdfGWORKDIR/pdfGCOPYpackage*.json ./COPY. .RUNnpm instalEXPOSE10030ENTRYPOINT["node","main.js","10030"] 镜像地址: 使用: docker pull1505774577/html_to_pdf:1.0.0...
研究发现 html-pdf 的 toStream 应该是一个异步方法,查看源码后 stream.on('end')也证明了这一点。由于不是顺序生成 stream 流,那么最后一个流生成并不代表所有都完成,所以当用 i===99 判断结束就有问题,可能会跳过某一个不执行转换PDF需要len=50来避免,然而添加过后,每个文件都进行了PDF转换,但是stream显示... 圆圆的冬瓜 2021/08/18 25.6K2 Vue 一键导出 PDF canvasvue.js 生成PDF 基本思路大多一致,先用 html2canvas 将 DOM 元素转换为 canvas,再利用 canvas 的 toDataURL 方法输出为图片,最后使用 jsPDF 添加图片生成 PDF 实现一键下载。 数媒派 2022/12/01 1.8K0 ...
npm install --global html5-to-pdf Out in the Wild CV Useswebpackandwebpack-dev-serverto let you see your changes live, and has the option to publish to HTML or PDF. Output Example usage constHTML5ToPDF =require("../lib")constpath =require("path")construn =async() => {consthtml...
npm install html-to-pdfmake jsdom constpdfMake=require('pdfmake/build/pdfmake');constpdfFonts=require('pdfmake/build/vfs_fonts');consthtmlToPdfmake=require('html-to-pdfmake');constjsdom=require('jsdom');const{JSDOM}=jsdom;// the below line may vary depending on your version of PDFMake//...
一共用到了两个依赖html2canvas HTML转成canvas、再用jspdf生成PDF。 npm i html2canvas jspdf --save package.json "dependencies": { "html2canvas": "^1.4.1", "jspdf": "^2.5.1", "vue": "^3.2.37" } 创建htmlToPdf.js /* eslint-disable */ ...
use something like npm package reaper to clean this up */tmpDir:"os/tmpdir",/* optional port range where to start phantomjs server */portLeftBoundary:1000,portRightBoundary:2000,/* optional hostname where to start phantomjs server */host:'',/* use rather dedicated process for eve... 价格都不便宜呢. html 是 93 年问世的, 很长一段时间, 游览器解析引擎都是闭源的. 所以要做 html to pdf 是蛮累的,要解析 html css。 直到04 年苹果开源了 safari 的引擎 webkit。