If you launch a script in the debug mode, IntelliJ IDEA opens the Debug tool window, where you can step through the script, stop and resume the script execution, examine it when suspended, run JavaScript code snippets in the Debugger Console, and so on. Run and debug scripts from the ...
npm-debug.log* # 编辑器设置 .vscode # 生产环境/发布 /dist # 测试覆盖率 /coverage # 环境变量 .env.* ❝.DS_Store是Mac OS系统自动生成的隐藏文件,用于存储文件夹的自定义属性,如文件夹的图标位置或背景颜色等设置。 它是Mac独有的,其他系统如Windows不会自动生成此文件。 每个文件夹下都会生成一个....
debug - Debug mode. Enables usage of the debug method. Also creates a debug console which will display when pressing F12. It will display all log and debug messages. ignoreLocked - Array of keys in their full format (e.g. C-c) to ignore when keys are locked or grabbed. Useful for ...
If you launch a script in the debug mode, WebStorm opens the Debug tool window, where you can step through the script, stop and resume the script execution, examine it when suspended, run JavaScript code snippets in the Debugger Console, and so on. Run and debug scripts from the npm ...
.DS_Storenode_modules/dist/build# local env files.env.local.env.*.local# Log filesnpm-debug.log*yarn-debug.log*yarn-error.log*# Editor directories and files.idea.vscode*.suo*.ntvs**.njsproj*.sln*.sw*examples/packages/public/babel.config.jsbuildpostcss.config.js教程.MD.gitignore*.map*....
-m, --mode Run mode. Options: main, worker and node. (default main) -d, --debug Debug mode, keeps browser window open. (default false) -w, --watch Watch filesforchanges and re-run tests. -i, --incognito Use incognito window to run tests. (default false) ...
npm-debug.log*# 编辑器设置.vscode # 生产环境/发布/dist # 测试覆盖率/coverage # 环境变量.env.* ❝.DS_Store是Mac OS系统自动生成的隐藏文件,用于存储文件夹的自定义属性,如文件夹的图标位置或背景颜色等设置。 它是Mac独有的,其他系统如Windows不会自动生成此文件。
在进入这一小节之前,我们就 npm-run-all 源码在 scripts 下加一条 debug 命令: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $"node ./bin/npm-run-all/index.js lint test" 解析完参数生成的argv.groups如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 [{paralles:false,patterns:['lint','test']}] ...
debug mode produces verbose log output for all activity, --no-update-notifier ... disables check for CLI updates --nohooks ... suppress executing hooks (taking RegExp hook patterns as parameters) Examples cordova create myApp org.apache.cordova.myApp myApp cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-...
If true, staleness checks for cached data will be bypassed, but missing data will be requested from the server. To force full offline mode, use --offline.prefer-onlineDefault: false Type: BooleanIf true, staleness checks for cached data will be forced, making the CLI look for updates ...