async run (name, args= {}, rawArgv =[]) {//mode是dev还是prod?const mode = args.mode || (name === 'build' && ? 'development' :this.modes[name])//收集环境变量、插件、用户配置this.init(mode) args._= args._ ||[] let command=this.commands[name]if(!command &&name) ...
Build Project: select to compile the entire project. The Build Project command will be executed. If an error occurs during compilation, IntelliJ IDEA won't attempt to start the run/debug configuration. Build, no error check: the same as the Build option, but IntelliJ IDEA will try to start...
npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! shizhan-vue@1.0.0 build: `webpack --mode development` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the shizhan-vue@1.0.0 build script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR!
The prepare script will be run before publishing, so that users can consume the functionality without requiring them to compile it themselves. In dev mode (ie, locally running npm install), it'll run this script as well, so that you can test it easily....
如果项目在线上线下使用的配置都不同的化,可以通过命令输入的不同,区分是debug模式还是生产production模式。 process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' 在相应的package.json中的配置中,就需要加上npm run build --mode production来进行区分。 2、配置打包编译 ...
"build": "npm run clean && webpack --mode production", // 准备发布,构建项目和文档 "prepare": "npm run build && npm run docs:build", // 运行测试和覆盖率 "test": "jest --coverage --passWithNoTests" }, } 现在,我们只需运行相应的脚本,就能轻松地测试、构建和生成项目文档。例如,在构建...
If true, staleness checks for cached data will be bypassed, but missing data will be requested from the server. To force full offline mode, use --offline.prefer-onlineDefault: false Type: BooleanIf true, staleness checks for cached data will be forced, making the CLI look for updates ...
操作系统 mac node v10.17.0 npm 6.11.3 error message: ERROR in ./src/views/analyze/analyze.ts Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'bootstrap-vue/es/components/button/button' in '/Users/cnryb/Documents/GitHub/weex-cli/packages/@weex/plugins...
Debug Summary for AI:When you run into a bug, you can run "serverless support --ai" to generate a concise report detailing your last bug with all necessary context, optimized for pasting into AI tools such as ChatGPT. New AWS Lambda Runtimes:"python3.12", "dotnet8", and "java21". ...
node-gyp build Now you have your compiled.nodebindings file! The compiled bindings end up inbuild/Debug/orbuild/Release/, depending on the build mode. At this point, you can require the.nodefile with Node.js and run your tests!