We're GitHub, the company behind the npm Registry and npm CLI. We offer those to the community for free, but our day job is building and selling useful tools for developers like you. Take your JavaScript development up a notch Get started today for free, or step up to npm Pro to enjo...
defdriver(request):# The default URL is in Appium 1drv=webdriver.Remote('',options=request.param)yielddrvdrv.quit()deftest_app_source_could_be_retrieved(driver):assertlen(driver.page_source)>0 You could find more examples for different p...
If you use @storybook/addon-a11y, you can reuse its parameters and make sure that the tests match in configuration, both in the accessibility addon panel and the test-runner.// .storybook/test-runner.ts import { TestRunnerConfig, getStoryContext } from '@storybook/test-runner'; import { ...
我们首先要确认这个包是公有化的还是私有化的,很大几率是私有化的包,我们做 MultipleRepo 项目管理方式的时候,经常会用到 私有化的 npm 包,去做项目间依赖管理! 确定好上面原因,我们在项目配置文件 -> .npmrc 去设置对应的 npm registery 就可以,从新执行 npm install 即可 PS E:\uxretail-ui> npm installn...
semver版本规范是X.Y.Z: X主版本号(major):当你做了不兼容的 API 修改(可能不兼容之前的版本) Y次版本号(minor):当你做了向下兼容的功能性新增(新功能增加,但是兼容之前的版本) Z修订号(patch):当你做了向下兼容的问题修正(没有新功能,修复了之前版本的bug) ...
ylru extends some features base on hashlru: cache value can beexpired. cache value can beempty value, e.g.:null,undefined,'',0 Usage import{LRU}from'ylru';constlru=newLRU(100);lru.set(key,value);lru.get(key);// value2 will be expired after 5000mslru.set(key2,value2,{maxAge:...
njt prettier y (yarn) 🐸 → https://yarnpkg.com/package/prettier Getting njt There are several environments in which you can access njt. Pick your favourite or use ’em all! 🟢 Command-line tool Install njt globally from npm by running this command in your terminal: npm install --glo...
We are looking for contributors.Please check open issues in the above repos if you think you could help, or open a new one if you have an idea you'd like to discuss. jsDelivr is a free CDN for open-source files. We are tightly integrated with Github and npm, allowing us to automati...
版本号肯定都不陌生,有时候引入js为了清除缓存也会随意更改版本号。发布npm或者说发布各种需要修改版本号的时候,没有几个人按照规范去修改。 一般版本分为三个,X.Y.Z,分别为: X:主版本号,不兼容的API修改 Y:次版本号,向下兼容,新增功能 Z:修订号,问题修正 ...