Explore digital health in npj Digital Medicine, an open access journal with 12.4 Impact Factor and 5 days to first decision.
npj Digital Medicinehas now moved to a different platform and is no longer accepting new submissions on this system. If you wish to make a regular submission, please go to ournew manuscript tracking system. Existing or partial submissions ...
Please see the journal’s submission guidelines for detailed information, including how to format and submit Tables, Figures, and Supplementary Information. Article Articles should report substantial original primary research. Articles include received and accepted dates and are peer reviewed. Please not...
510(k) summary: Brainomix 360 e-ASPECTS [Premarket notification submission K221564]. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/cdrh_docs/pdf22/K221564.pdf (2022). Gilbert, S. et al. Algorithm change protocols in the regulation of adaptive machine learning-based medical devices. J. Med. Internet Res...
Since the FDA requires a new 510(k) submission for changes or modifications to existing devices and AccessGUDID documents all versions or models of devices, there were multiple reports corresponding to each unique surgical robot. One review author (AL) manually assessed all eligible reports alongside...
It is expected that future code change applications for artificial/augmented intelligence applications shall consult this taxonomy during the submission process. As AI tools grow more sophisticated, they will presumably progress further along these categories12. The first AI CPT code was created for ...
GPT-4 responses did not use DSP or self-consistency because those features were not available for GPT-4 at the time of submission. Computing was performed in a Google CoLab Jupyter Notebook. Full code can be found in Supplementary Note 3. Statistical evaluation Statistical significance and ...
Editorial npj Digital Medicine Open access 07 March 2022 Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Results Discussion Methods Data availability Code availability References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary information Rights and permissions About this ...
Current healthcare practices are reactive and based on limited physiological information collected months or years apart. By enabling patients and healthy consumers access to continuous measurements of health, wearable devices and digital medicine stand
editorial team. As an Associate Editor, you would be responsible for supervising the peer-review of manuscripts submitted to the journal as assigned to you by the Editor-in-Chief. It is our expectation that an Associate Editor agrees to handle at least one new submission through peer review ...