归约是将某个计算问题(computational problem)转换为另一个问题的过程。可用归约法定义某些问题的复杂度类(因转换过程而异)。以直觉观之,“问题A可归约为问题B”,指问题B的答案可用于解决问题A。因此解决A不会难于解决B。 《算法导论》上举了这么一个例子。比如说,现在有两个问题:求解一个一元一次方程和求解...
恰巧前两天我在 B 站看到了步兵猎卡组,这套卡的思路简单有趣,玩起来体验感极佳,尤其是用一个步兵以隔山打牛的方式,踢随从打对面脸的时候。而最为关键的是,我似乎发现这个 combo 好像能够用于构造一个计算复杂性(computational complexity)上的简单归约。所以,我又来蹭热度了~ 关于用计算复杂性理论讨论炉石这个论...
Many computational problems can be expressed as finite sums of products of simple real functions. A method is presented to computational optimization of a sum of products over finite state space. The problem is reduced to searching for the optimal decomposition of a hypergraph defined by structure ...
Some NP-hard problems are also inNP(these are called "NP-complete"), some are not. If you could reduce anNPproblem to an NP-hard problem and then solve it in polynomial time, you could solve all NP problems. See alsocomputational complexity. ...
Many computational problems can be expressed as finite sums of products of simple real functions. A method is presented to computational optimization of a sum of products over finite state space. The problem is reduced to searching for the optimal decomposition of a hypergraph defined by structure ...
The class P consists of all polynomial-time solvable decision problems. What is the class NP? There are two popular misunderstandings: (1) NP is the class of problems which are not polynomial-time solvable. (2) A decision problem belongs to the class NP if its answer can be checked in ...
4.1 Computational complexity The NP-hardness (in the ordinary sense) of problem O3||Cmax is proved in Gonzalez and Sahni (1976). It is still not known whether problem Om||Cmax is NP-hard in the strong sense for any fixed number m≥3 of machines. If the number of machines is variable...
Among the classes of heuristic methods for NP-hard problems, the polynomial approximation algorithms aim at solving a given NP-hard problem in poly-nomial time by computing feasible solutions that are, under some predefined criterion, as near to the optimal ones as possible. The polynomial ...
It is an interesting artifact that most computational tasks today that arise in realistic scenarios are intractable, at least if one insists on delivering exact solutions with certainty within a strict deadline. An important mean for surmounting this intractability barrier is that of {\sl approximate...
The k partition-distance problem Many applications of data partitioning (clustering) have been well studied in bioinformatics. Consider, for instance, a set N of organisms (elements) based... YH Chen - 《Journal of Computational Biology A Journal of Computational Molecular Cell Biology》 被引量:...