This is a list of some of the more commonly known problems that are NP-complete when expressed as decision problems. As there are hundr
A List of NP-Complete 为了证明一个问题是NP complete我们有必要去了解更多的NP complete问题以方便证明,不然每次都只用SAT去证也是挺困难的事情。wiki上有一个列表,基本上很全了:List_of_NP-complete_problems 这里拿一些经典问题来介绍一下。 Set Vertex Cover Problem & Independent Set 最大独立集和最小结点...
一 图(无权图无向图)的哈密顿回路的寻找问题 是最简单的npc问题 同构于布尔函数的SAT问题 运算时间复...
Chapter8 NP-complete problems 课后习题8.3 8.3证明吝啬SAT是NP-完全问题吝啬SAT问题给定一组字句(每个子句都是其中文字的析取)和整数k,求一个最多有k个变量为true的满足赋值–如果该赋值存在。 SAT问题(可满足...完全问题包含了所有搜索问题的难度。一旦我们知道A是NP-完全的,则我们可以利用它来证明另一个新的...
1、np-complete problemdecision problems to keep things simple, we will mainly concern ourselves with decision problems. these problems only require a single bit output: yes and no. how would you solve the following decision problems? is this directed graph acyclic? is there a spanning tree of ...
Big grep from txt list in .gz file logs this is my problem (for me actually a big problem). I have a txt file with 1.130.395 lines as below an example: i have like 2000 .gz log files. I need that for every line of the .txt file a grep is pe... ...
1)NP-complete problemNP完全问题 1.Therefore,this method,which originated from the tool of biology technology,is believed to have launched a new episode for solving complexity problems,especially for NP-complete problem.开创了以生物技术为工具解决复杂问题的新纪元,为解决NP完全问题开辟了一条新途径。 2...
Longest path problem,等价于TSP,该问题是FPT的。Clique problem,一系列问题,FPT的。maximum ...
1) NP-complete problem NP 完全问题 2) NP-complete problem NP-完全问题 1. The graph coloring problem is a well-knownNP-complete problem. 图着色问题是著名的NP-完全问题。 2. As a result, necessary security query and possible security query independent of status can be resolved in polynomial ...