This is a list of some of the more commonly known problems that are NP-complete when expressed as decision problems. As there are hundr
A List of NP-Complete 为了证明一个问题是NP complete我们有必要去了解更多的NP complete问题以方便证明,不然每次都只用SAT去证也是挺困难的事情。wiki上有一个列表,基本上很全了:List_of_NP-complete_problems 这里拿一些经典问题来介绍一下。 Set Vertex Cover Problem & Independent Set 最大独立集和最小结点...
泻药,维基上有个List,里面记录了大量经典的NP-complete问题 List of NP-complete problemsen.wikipe...
泻药,维基上有个List,里面记录了大量经典的NP-complete问题 List of NP-complete problemsen....
Is the sorting problem NP-complete? Sorting Numbers Given a list of numbers, you can verify that whether the list is sorted or not in polynomial time, sothe problem is clearly NP. There are known algorithms to sort a list of numbers in polynomial time. (Bubble sort O(n^2) etc. ). ...
NP-complete problems——8.20 技术标签: NP题目描述 In an undiorected graph G=(V,E), we say D⊆V is a domainting set if every v∈V is either in D or adjacent to at least one member of D. In the DOMINATING SET problem, the input is a graph ... 查看原文 8.20 题目:In an ...
1、np-complete problemdecision problems to keep things simple, we will mainly concern ourselves with decision problems. these problems only require a single bit output: yes and no. how would you solve the following decision problems? is this directed graph acyclic? is there a spanning tree of ...
第一个NP-Complete问题在40年前被找到了,它就是著名的SAT问题。 所有的NPC问题:List_of_NP-complete_problems 组合最优化问题(combinatorial optimizationproblem)是一类在离散状态下求极值的问题。把某种离散对象按某个确定的约束条件进行安排,当已知合乎这种约束条件的特定安排存在时,寻求这种特定安排在某个优化准则下...